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Every man takes the limits of his own vision

for the limits of the world

I think I came up with this statement when first I read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Why exactly it came out from there, I cannot remember. However, I'm sure it has been said many times before. Lack of vision is akin to the Vogons preoccupation at achieving an Earthless universe. Most of the follies of life have stemmed from lack of vision: either not thinking far enough, deep enough, or seriously enough about what one is doing. Indeed, I observe, even in my own cases of folly, that the senselessness of ones pointless plans only appear to be obvious to people around oneself. Naturally, we all suffer from a lack of understanding and appreciation somewhere. Being dull witted is probably a given for all. But humility and a desire to learn renders this flaw correctable (the yellow flag). We learn to respect what is good. Perhaps it is when we claim that "we know the truth" that I think there is the serious danger (the red flag).

I think education and experience help that vision. But wisdom is not the same as education or experience, although they both seem to help in some cases. Perhaps this is because wisdom is not so much about achievement, rather, it is about advancing civilization to a better level. Isn't that more like what we should do in the fleeting moment we have on the stage? In this moment, we weave our thread on the fabric of the universe, and then we are no more. And what a arduous journey it is: ephemeral and without resolution or a clear answer. But I think there is hope and maybe you will find something here for yourself in how I have come to understand purpose and meaning in my own life.

It is my firm conviction that knowledge (in the form of wisdom) should make us humble. The greater our knowledge and understanding, the greater should be that humility. I would summarize my feelings this way: "It is better to listen to a wise person's rebuke, than to have a chorus of fools sing you praises". Blessed are those who hunger and thurst for understanding and a right way of living, for they will gain wisdom through their struggles.

These pages are (and always should be) under construction. They are very incomplete, and most certainly always will be. They represent something of where I am, what my current vision is, and obviously, something of my own limits as well. I hope you find something worthwhile on your journey here, and please feel free to contact me for whatever reason.

For starters, I found this in one of Flory's best ever books. It expresses so well my feelings about how we try to impress people as academics.

If my hypothesis is not the truth, it is at least naked;

for I have not with some of our learned moderns

disguis'd my nonsense in Greek,

cloth'd it in algebra or adorned it with fluxions.

Benjamin Franklin, 1753

Well, some day, I plan to actually update this web site. I was much happier when

I really could to html and sort of lost interest when providers stopped supporting it,

so most of this stuff stopped somewhere around 2005 and never went further.

The following are plans that are waiting for a plan.....

my RNA web page. I do have some resources at [RNA info]

Stop by at (Wayne's world)

It's not the Wayne, but it is a real Wayne.

Thanks for stopping by.

last update: 13.10.11


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