Protein Research Tools

links: Protein structure, function and analysis

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2009.02.27: I've made some attempt to up date this page. Some information should be possible to find again.

Protein stucture/function resources

data base resources [top]

PDB (Protein Data Bank)

databank for protein structures found via x-ray crystallography

BMRB (BioMagResBank)

databank for protein structures found via NMR spectroscopy

Southwest Biotechnology and Information center

SWBIC - Bioinformatics (no longer so helpful)

This used to be a real database of information and very well curated, but now

it maybe has some applications. However, when I tried to used them, they didn't

work, so maybe it doesn't even have that.

Harvard: bioinformatics links

Basically a page like this one, but probably better maintained.

CUBIC links

Some useful links (also a mirror site for PredictProtein).

mutation database (1) (he's dead jim)

Gives the thermodynamic parameters for mutations of a large number of

proteins. Probably quite useful for protein engineering and protein

structure prediction.

protein mutation database (2)

Homology and Threading Prediction [top]

ExPASy (Switzerland mirror) (homology modeling)

A package of programs linked together to help search

for secondary structure, homology, and 3D structure.

This server does not mess with structural homologies less than 25%,

so you will not get any answer for your twilight zone structures.

Also provides numerous molecular biology resource links.

Other mirror sites: [Australia] [Canada] [China] [Korea] [Taiwan]

Phyre (threading) and 3D-pssm (an older version of the same concept).

This is a protein threading program which does help when your homology is less

than 25%. If you find yourself in the twilite zone where standard threading

(e.g., Swiss-model) cannot help you, my own recommendations are as follows:

first try to get some idea of the general structure of the protein you are

trying o solve, submit queries of moderate size (maximum 100 aa), finally,

look thoughtfully at the results. The best fits will probably be in with the

better scores, but that does not mean that it will be the "best" score.

Psi Predict (threading)

According to the authors "The PSIPRED protein structure prediction server incorporates

two new methods (PSIPRED and GenTHREADER) and one established method (MEMSAT 2) for

predicting structural information about any given protein from its amino acid sequence alone."

SAM-T08 (remote homology detection server)

Uses a hidden Markov model do sequence/structure alignments

of a protein. Requires FASTA formated files for submission.

Provides an nice visual alignment of the residue substitution.

The format used in the homology modeler is harder to evaluate

compared to 3Dpssm or PSIpredict. Predictions are comparable

to PSIpredict. This program does homology modeling even in

the twilight zone. Also can use SAM-T02 (remote homology) or SAM-T99.

123D+ (threading)

This server does not seem to be actively supported, but it is a

threader and it's still operational.

Secondary structure prediction [top]


Jpred is a web server that takes a protein sequence or multiple

alignment of protein sequences, and from these predicts secondary

structure using a neural network called Jnet. The prediction is the

definition of each residue into either alpha helix, beta sheet or

random coil secondary structures. These results are aligned with

predictions from pssm and hmm models.

In some ways, I was rather impressed with this model at least for

the problems that have interested me so far. As with most secondary

structure servers, you have to sift, but my feeling is that it does

a little bit better than PSIpredict on the secondary structure

prediction. However, you should consider for yourself using McGuffin's

(aka PSIpredict) continuously updated prediction success [evaluator].

Psi Predict

An all-around powerful package.


The protein prediction server (EMBL).

PredictProtein is a neural network secondary structure prediction and sequence

analysis package. This is a full integrated package and works fairly well.

See also validation for NMR constrant data: [Validation Suite].


The program seems to work ok. In my own problems, it actually

predicted one segment of a secondary structure that other programs

missed. It also missed a segment that some others got, but anyway.

nnpredict input form

Secondary structure predition server. This is a rather early

version of neural network based secondary structure prediction

and it is gradually becoming obsolete. Still, it is good to

compare results (even Chou-Fasman) because it gives some idea

about the differences between these models.

GOR V(still rather funky)


GOR IV(this one works)


2004.03.22: Found a website where I can access GOR IV ("this one works").

The following are somewhat related programs written by the same [group]:

[QL with homologues] and [QL without homologues] .


Neural networks are perhaps a little bit more powerful (probably 5-10%).

However, the strong points of the GOR model are as follow:

(1) It relies on statistical parameters to make predictions. In this

respect it captures part of the essense of a real statistical mechanical

model, although the parameterization is strictly obtained from the

observed frequency of certain types residues that correlate well with

a given secondary structure.

(2) It is not a black box like a neural network. In this regard, as we

improve our understanding of how to identify structure, the GOR model

has much better pedigogical appeal because it can teach us why

a given approach or parameterization works or not.


The title means the advanced form of "self-optimized prediction method" (SOPM).

I presently have few details on this method. It appears to be a little bit

along the same lines of the GOR method.

NNSSP server(probably not functional)

I don't know much about this one. It is based on nearest neighbor

secondary structure prediction, but I was not able to get it to

work myself. It is recommended by the GOR IV group, as a prediction

software server, and maybe something didn't get entered correctly. Anyway...

Sequence alignment servers and other functions [top]

Blast and derivatives

This is a standard place to start the search. Multiple sequence

alignments are done by PSIblast.


ClustalW does multiple sequence alignments and constructs a

tree of the evolution of the sequences. Important: ClustalW

can read many kinds of file formats, however, the input file

require a particular suffix for the program to successfully read

the file.

MPSA's homepage

According to the authors: "MPSA is a stand-alone software package

for protein sequence analysis with a high integration level and Web

client/server capabilities. It provides many methods and tools, which

are integrated into an interactive graphical user interface."

SAM-T08 server

general information

Sam-T08 does more than alignments. It is basically a kind of

homology prediction program. It uses a hidden markov model

to obtain the alignments and structures.

Easy ToPLign Fold Prediction(links currently broken)

According to the authors: ToPLign implements standard pairwise and multiple

alignment methods with flexible parameter handling.

FlexX and FlexS (commercial SW)

FlexX is a computer program for predicting protein-ligand interactions.

FlexS is a computer program for predicting ligand superpositions.

Match-Box submitting form

Protein sequence multiple alignment tools using statistical rules.

LOCK (link seems to be broken)

Hierarchical Protein Structure Superposition. Tries to match

the input structure with other structures in the PDB. It seems

to be part of an old program called foldminer

that is still available.

sequence analysis (Baylor College of Medicine)

A little hard to catch onto at first, but a general sequence analysis

program for studying protein and RNA structure and function. Seems

to be not so well maintained and basically combines the results of

various other servers where you can request this already.

SignalP server

Predicts the presence and location of signal peptide cleavage

sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms: Gram-positive

prokaryotes, Gram-negative prokaryotes, and eukaryotes. The method

incorporates a prediction of cleavage sites and a signal peptide/non-signal

peptide prediction based on a combination of several artificial neural networks.


ANTHEPROT (ANalyse THE PROTeins). The main idea behind this package is

"to integrate into a single package most of the methods designed for protein sequence analysis."

Package no longer on a server.

Structure Classification Tools (for Proteins) [top]


No server available, but it provides you with information

on how to classify the loops of proteins.

secondary structure (stride server) (He's dead Jim).

server. Information on the software can be found at [Stride].

secondary structure (DSSP) (seems he's dead Jim.)

No server available but you can download the program and use it

after signing a license agreement. This seems to be considered the

standard for classification, but stride is provided on a server and

should predict similar classification.


Detects membrane segments, signal peptides, anchors and coiled coils.

Fold Recognition Servers [top]

Phyre fold recognition server (threading) and 3D-pssm (an older version of the same concept).

This site can make a stab in the dark for you if you are pushing

the trottle button to the twilight zone (homology less than 25%).

The results cannot be guaranteed, and certainly require considerable expert

evaluation that is far from "automatic", but you can find some leads at least.

Psi Predict (Fold recognition server)

Like 3D-pssm, this approach can also make a stab in the dark for you

if you are pushing your luck to the twilight zone. Again, the

results cannot be guaranteed, and certainly require considerable expert

evaluation that is far from "automatic", but you can find some leads at least.

bioinbgu Main Page (fold recognition server)

Ben Gurion University (Dept of Math and CS) protein fold recognition server.

NOTE: to past in a sequence, you must use the following format:


my sequence


and the sequence must be longer than 40 characters: else it does not work.

090227wd: The site has probably been disabled long ago. There is another program

available Meshi that may be useful.

UCLA-DOE FOLD Server (fold recognition server)

YAFRS: yet another fold recognition server.

There are also a variety of other services including structure validation,

alignment and some related software applications. [DOE software at UCLA].

SWISS-MODEL (homology modeler)

The requirements at this site are very stringent for homology modeling.

The protein should have at least 25% homology with existing and solved

protein structures. Otherwise, well, you're out of luck in this bar pal.

Not really intended for "fold recognition" per se, but if you have a good

structure, this will recognize the fold.

Dali (PDB file analyzer)

Distance-matrix ALIgnment: you can submit a structure and DALI

and DALI will supply a set of similar structures and their alignments

with that query structure.

123D+ (threading)

This server doesn't seem to be actively supported, but it's still operational.

123D+ is a program which combines sequence profiles, secondary structure

prediction, and contact capacity potentials to thread a protein sequence

through the set of structures.

SARF stands for Spatial ARangement of backbone Fragments.

Protein Imaging Software [top]


Linux software for chemistry: molecular modeling, visualization,

graphic, quantum mechanic, dynamic, kinetic, simulation

DeepView (SPDBV) - PDB Viewer

This is a nice viewer for PDB formated files.

It also has some other features such as reasonably

simple ways to do mutations of the structure. [tutorial] introduction.

Mage, another pdb viewer [home page]

Jane Richardson has a lot of artistic figures of protein structure

and taxonomy in the literature. The structure of this program is a

little more complicated then some of the others.


Deep View is much easier to use, and probably more versitile, but

rasmol is a historical standard.

other molecular visualization software

The list is getting a bit old and some of the links do not work.

Other software (software: biophysics) [top]

EMBOSS Homepage

alignment software.

DOE servers (and software) at UCLA

Actually a number of things are located here including related software, a

Fold recognition, Verify3D Evaluation, ERRAT evaluation, and Crystal Twinning.

links to protein structure/analysis SW

Maintained by PDB (protein data bank). Fairly well curated and

contains a lot links to useful information that I have not found

by the usual trial-and-error search-engine approach.

BioPerl software

Modules written in perl for doing bioinformatics etc. [documentation].

Transmembrane helix prediction [top]

TransMembrane (hidden markov model) TMHMM


Membrane protein explorer

prediction standards [top]

Protein Structure Initiative

If you'd like to figure out a structure, here's a place that is

willing to give you one to solve.

What_if (What_if, prove, procheck)

This is a fairly broad and general resource that looks at a lot of

issues related to the quality of the determined protein structure.

The combined results of what_if, prove, and procheck help to identify

places in the structure prediction that may have some problems.

Structure Validation Tools (Richardson lab)

Also a useful site for checking a predicted protein structure.

Provides warnings for particularly out of rule residues in a

graphical format. Jane Richardson is famous for the remarkable

figures found in the "protein structure taxonomy" in Advances in

Protein Chemistry series.

Validation tools (DOE-UCLA project)

YAPSVT: Yet Another Protein Structure Validation Tool

Prostar (NIST)

Promises to be a site for setting standards for protein

potentials used to evaluate and predict protein structures.

Also provides a decoy set of structures for testing. It is

not so well maintained lately, probably a consequence of

the difficulty of the problem and the voluntariness of the

submission process.

Valuable web resource information [top]

circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy

Brief but informative essays on the technique, strengths and limitations

of CD spectroscopy in relation to protein structure determination.

from ap lab

another ref

WiKi ref

original address (broken link)

Course on protein structure

Put on by the folks at Swiss-Prot. Actually very informative for

beginners with a lot of straight forward comments about the strengths

and limitations of protein structure prediction and determination.

MD simulation tutorial

The graphics are quite remarkably good and very readable.

biobench helper

provides all sorts of links to various information.

Protein Music

I'm sorry, as a fellow musician, I just could not resist.

For me, I prefer to work it out the old way, at the keyboard

in some improvisation, but I respect that there are other

ways to create music, and this is a somewhat popular pathway

for 20th century music.

last update: 110128

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