


Cawley, J. Dragone, D. (2023). Harm Reduction: When Does It Improve Health, and When Does it Backfire? NBER WP 30926. submitted

Dragone, D., Vanin, P. (2021). Determinants of income and price effects in the short and in the long run. submitted

Dragone, D., Migali, G., Zucchelli E. (2021). High school dropout and the intergenerational transmission of crime. IZA DP 14129. submitted

Bigoni, M., Dragone., D., Luchini, S., Prati, A. (2020). Estimating time preferences for leisure. CEPR DP 16367. submitted


Dragone, D., Raggi, D. (2018) . Testing rational addiction: When lifetime is uncertain, one lag is enough. wp 1119 DSE-Unibo

Dragone, D., Manaresi, F., Savorelli, L. (2013). Tobacco taxes and smoking bans impact differently on obesity and eating habits. wp 878 DSE-Unibo

Dragone, D., Manaresi, F., Savorelli, L. (2012). Multiple rational addictions and the effect of price on consumption. wp FarmaFactoring Foundation

Dragone, D., Lambertini, L., Palestini, A. (2008). A class of best-response potential games. wp 635 DSE-Unibo

Dragone, D., Lambertini, L., Mantovani, A. (2007) Antitrust guidelines: A simple operational method for evaluating horizontal mergers. wp 591 DSE-Unibo

Dragone, D., Viviani, M. (2007). Identity and the dynamics of preferences. wp 595 DSE-Unibo


Dragone, D. (2014). Microcredito: formule, applicazioni, prospettive, in L.Brunori (ed.), La Complessa Identità del Microcredito, Mulino, 23-40.

Dragone D. (2011). L'impazienza dell'homo oeconomicus: proposta per un'analisi interdisciplinare. Paradoxa, 5(1), 95-102, paper

Dragone, D., Viviani, M. (2008). Cultura organizzativa e sostenibilità della governance multistakeholder. Impresa Sociale, 4, 163-192, paper