Penn State

My work and teaching experience while at Penn State included:

  • Physics Instructor, Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion (Penn State)
    • Newtonian Mechanics course, Summer 2019
  • Guest Lecturer
    • Graduate Interplanetary Astrodynamics course, Spring 2019
  • Adviser for undergraduate student teams participating in:
    • NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts - Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) Competitions, Fall 2014 - Present
    • AIAA Student Design Competitions (link), Fall 2014 - Present
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
    • NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts - Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) Competition adviser for Penn State undergraduate teams, Fall 2014 - Present
    • Space Mission Design (sequence of 2 courses), Fall 2014 – Present
    • Astrodynamics, Spring 2016 – Present
    • Orbit and Attitude Control of Spacecraft, Fall 2014 – Fall 2016
    • Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Vehicles, Spring 2015
  • Undergraduate Teaching Intern
    • Astronautics, Fall 2012
  • Mathematics and Language (Italian) Tutor for Penn State Learning, Fall 2010 – Spring 2014
  • Learning Assistant for the Penn State Department of Mathematics, Spring 2011 – Spring 2014
  • Private Mathematics and Physics Tutor, Spring 2012 – Present

*** Teaching and research philosophies and a full teaching dossier are available upon request ***

Here is a detailed list of the most relevant courses I have taken during my college career at The Pennsylvania State University


AERSP 309 - Astronautics

Introduction to space and space flight; laws of particle mechanics; orbits and trajectories; space vehicles and propulsion.

AERSP 450 - Orbit and Attitude Control of Spacecraft

Principles of mechanics and vector analysis applied to basic concepts of satellite motion and control, rocket ballistics, and gyroscopic instruments.

AERSP 550 - Astrodynamics / Advanced Orbital Mechanics

Applications of classical celestial mechanics to space flight planning. Determination and construction of orbital parameters by approximation methods. Perturbation techniques.

AERSP 597C - Interplanetary Astrodynamics

This course covers various topics pertaining interplanetary astrodynamics and mission design including: Lambert's problem, patched conics and B-plane targeting, relative motion, perturbation techniques, N-body problem, halo and Lissajous orbits, low-thrust transfers, round-trip trajectory design, TCMs, EDL.

AERSP 597C - Statistical Orbit Determination

This course is an introduction to the mathematics and practices in statistical orbit determination. The major topics are: classical orbit determination techniques, probability and statistics, least squares solution, weighted least squares, statistical interpretation of the least squares problem, Cholesky decomposition, Gauss-Markoff theorem, sequential estimation algorithms, extended sequential estimation algorithms, square root filters, state noise compensation algorithm, state noise compensation algorithms, smoothing algorithms, minimum variance, maximum likelihood, Bayesian estimation. Other topics as time permits.

Systems Engineering

AERPS 401A and 401B - Preliminary and Detailed Space Mission Design

Conceptual, preliminary and detailed design of spacecraft, its constituent subsystems, and related systems, to satisfy a given set of specifications (missions objectives). Detailed design of the constituent subsystems and related support systems for a spacecraft.

E E 497E - Space Systems Engineering Seminar

As a requirement for the Space Systems Engineering (SPSYS) Certificate, this course is offered to students in the Certificate and others interested in Space Systems and more broadly in systems engineering. The course will expose students to the systems engineering approach to space systems as applied to practical space systems. The goal of this course is to prepare the student to understand and implement the systems approach to designing, building, testing, and flying space systems.

EDSGN 597C - Systems Design

System engineering, principles and practices and the application of systems engineering in the analysis, design, development, integration, verification and validation of complex systems.

AERSP 204H/404H - Flight Vehicle Design and Fabrication (Lecture and Lab)

Thus course provides a practical, “hands-on” experience for student to learn about the principles and practices of aerospace engineering in a cooperative, multi-disciplinary team environment. The course is integrated within the four year engineering curriculum to provide students with the experience to identify, formulate, and solve engineering design problems of an aerospace vehicle by using modern engineering design and analysis methods. The design and analysis tasks include the vehicle’s structure, aerodynamics, as well as its stability and control. Throughout the course the students are required to communicate effectively within their and with other design areas. They will document their design/analysis and manufacturing effort continuously in a notebook and present their semester work in a final report and presentation. For additional information, see "Kremer Prize" under "Design Competitions." I have taken this project-based course for 7 semesters during my undergraduate career at Penn State.

Aerospace Propulsion

AERSP 410 - Aerospace Propulsion

Analysis and performance characteristics of reciprocating engine, turbo-jet, turbo-prop, turbo-fan, ram-jets, and chemical rockets. Aerothermodynamics of inlets, combustors, and turbomachinery.

AERSP 430 - Space Propulsion and Power Systems

Analysis and performance of chemical and nuclear rockets, electric propulsion systems. Introduction to solar, chemical, thermoelectric, and nuclear power sources.

AERSP 530 - Aerothermochemistry of Advanced Propulsion Systems

Physics and chemistry needed to analyze advanced rocket propulsion systems including reacting high temperature radiating gas and plasma flows.

Dynamics and Control

AERSP 597E - Linear and Nonlinear Estimation

This course will cover estimation and data fusion for linear and nonlinear systems: (a) introduction to Gaussian random variable; (b) Gauss-Markov estimation and the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator; (c) minimum mean square error estimators; (d) Kalman filter; (e) Extended Kalman filter and the Sigma Point Kalman Filter; (f) effects of non-Gauss noise and non- Gaussian initial state estimates; (g) histogram and particle filters. Examples will be taken from aerospace and robotics applications, including (among others): fusion of GPS and inertial measurements; robot localization; target tracking; and simultaneous localization and mapping.

AERSP 518 - Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Vehicles (audited)

Dynamical problems of aircraft and missiles including launch, trajectory, optimization, orbiting, reentry, stability and control, and automatic control.

E MCH 520 - Intermediate Dynamics

The main goal of this course is to provide a strong foundation for the modeling and analysis of mechanical dynamical systems.

AERSP 460 - Aerospace Control Systems (audited)

Design and analysis of feedback control systems for aerospace applications; stability, root locus, time- and frequency-domain, state-space methods.

AERSP 304 - Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Vehicles

Vibrations of single, multiple, and infinite degree-of-freedom systems; operational methods applied to aerospace vehicles; design of controllers.

Fluid Mechanics

AERPS 508 - Foundations of Fluid Mechanics

Mathematical review, fluid properties, kinematics, conservation laws, constitutive relations, similarity principles, the boundary layer, inviscid flow, vorticity dynamics, wave motion.

AERSP 311 and 312 - Aerodynamics I and II

Fluid statics and kinematics; fluid dynamics of inviscid and viscous flows; Navier-Stokes equations; introduction to boundary layers. Fluid mechanics of viscous and compressible flows, laminar boundary layers, turbulent flows, isentropic flows, shock waves, supersonic lift and drag.

AERSP 306 - Aeronautics

Lift and drag characteristics of aircraft; propulsion systems; airplane performance; introduction to stability and control.


AERSP 571 - Foundations of Structural Dynamics and Vibration

Modeling approaches and analysis methods of structural dynamics and vibration.

AERSP 301 - Aerospace Structures

Aerospace structural design concepts, flight safety. Stiffness, strength, stability of thin-walled structures under combined loads. Energy methods, finite element analysis.

Other aerospace-related courses

AERSP 597I - Spacecraft Environment Interactions

This course will examine various aspects of spacecraft aerodynamics and interactions with the space environment. The course will include some aspects of spacecraft design and the latest computational methods for calculating spacecraft aerodynamic forces and moments and thruster plume contamination.

Mathematics, Logic and Programming

E MCH 524A - Mathematical Methods in Engineering

Special functions, boundary value problems, eigenfunctions and eigenvalue problems; applications to engineering systems in mechanics, vibrations, and other fields.

MATH 597D - Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

This is a topic course for graduate students who are interested in numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws. Due to the large number of applications of these equations, this course should be of great interest to students in mathematics, computer science, engineering, physics etc.

MATH 513 - Partial Differential Equations

This course discusses classical PDEs such as the Laplace equation, the heat equation, the wave equation, and also nonlinear first order PDEs, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and conservation laws.

MATH 411 - Ordinary Differential Equations

Linear ordinary differential equations; existence and uniqueness questions; series solutions; special functions; eigenvalue problems; Laplace transforms; additional topics and applications.

MATH 414 - Introduction to Probability Theory

Probability spaces, discrete and continuous random variables, transformations, expectations, generating functions, conditional distributions, law of large numbers, central limit theorems. Students may take only one course from MATH(STAT) 414 and 418 for credit.

MATH 415 - Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

A theoretical treatment of statistical inference, including sufficiency, estimation, testing, regression, analysis of variance, and chi-square tests.

MATH 403 - Classical Analysis I

Topology of Rn, compactness, continuity of functions, uniform convergence, Arzela-Ascoli theorem in the plane, Stone-Wierstrass theorem.

MATH 436 - Linear Algebra

Vector spaces and linear transformations, canonical forms of matrices, elementary divisors, invariant factors; applications.

MATH 311W - Concepts of Discrete Mathematics

Introduction to mathematical proofs; elementary number theory and group theory.

MATH 312H - Honors Concepts of Real Analysis

Basic methods of mathematical thinking and fundamental structures, primarily in the context of infinite sets, real numbers, and metric spaces.

AERSP 313 - Aerospace Analysis

Mathematical methods applied to aerospace engineering: Fourier series, ordinary and partial differential equations, complex variables, numerical methods. Programming languages used: C++ and MATLAB.

CMPSC 201 - Programming for Engineers with C++

Development and implementation of algorithms in a procedure-oriented language, with emphasis on numerical methods for engineering problems. Programming languages used: C++ and MATLAB.

Education and teaching

OL 4500 - Online Teaching Certificate

The objective of this course is to prepare graduate students for teaching courses online. A certificate is given at the end of the course.

ENGR 888 - Seminar for Teaching Assistants in Engineering

New teaching assistants in the College of Engineering will learn teaching theory, methods, and skills that will help them to be more effective in their teaching assignments.

ENGR 497I - Teaching Intern Seminar

The overall goal of this course is to help you be effective as Teaching Interns. The course was designed around the main duties of TIs: holding office hours and review sessions, teaching, grading and testing. As these topics are discussed, findings about how people learn that have important implications for how we should teach are also introduced.

C I 200 - Peer Tutoring

Course intended to prepare students for tutoring science, mathematics, and language courses to undergraduate students.

L A 498H - Honors Leadership for Mentors (taken twice)

To prepare, execute, and evaluate SHO TIME, Schreyer Honors Orientation

Language and literature

GER 001 - Elementary German I

Introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on the first two skills; cultural aspects through readings and videos.

GER 002 - Elementary German II

Continuation of GER 001; further introduction of basic structures, culture, and development of four basic skills stressing aural-oral aspects. Students who have received high school credit for four or more years of German may not schedule this course for credit, without the permission of the department.

GER 003 - Intermediate German

Continued four-skill development with increased emphasis on reading, writing, and grammatical accuracy; culturally-oriented reading selections and videos.

IT 497A - Primo Levi: Witness or Writer? (course in Italian literature taught in English)

Through seminar-style instruction this course will explore the works of the twentieth century Italian writer, Primo Levi. The focus of the

course is the relationship between Levi’s two roles: survivor of the Holocaust, and acclaimed writer across several genres. To develop our understanding of this relationship we will consider theoretical and socio-historical aspects particularly associated with the Holocaust and its representation.


ECON 102 - Introductory Microeconomic Analysis and Policy

Methods of economic analysis and their use; price determination; theory of the firm; distribution.

ECON 104 - Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy

National income measurement; aggregate economic models; money and income; policy problems.

Other more basic courses including calculus, differential equations, elementary physics and chemistry, speech, technical writing, etc. were not included in the list.