Honors & Activities

  • Honored in the Altoona Area High School (AAHS) Astronomy Alumnus Hall of Fame for Achievements in Engineering and Space, March 2019
      • I received an honorary award for my space, science, and engineering achievements during my career from the Altoona Area High School, where I spent one year as part of an exchange program during the academic year 2007-2008
      • Plaque at AAHS
      • Video

Professor Krug of the Altoona Area High School honors Davide Conte for his achievements in Engineering and Space. Altoona, PA, 22 March 2019.

ISEB students participating in SGC and IAC 2018 in Bremen, Germany, in Sept-Oct 2018. Davide is standing in the mid-left back row.

  • European Space Agency (ESA) International Space Education Board (ISEB) Scholar for IAC 2018, 2018
      • I received a scholarship from ESA ISEB to participate in the 2018 Space Generation Congress and International Astronautical Congress, which took place in Bremen, Germany in Sept-Oct 2018
  • Space Generation Congress (SGC) 2018 Scholar and Delegate, 2018
      • I participated in the SGC 2018 and contributed to the creation of a technical report related to bridging the "space divide" which was given to the United Nations in early 2019 (refer to my publications for more details)
  • International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) member, since 2018
  • American Astronautical Society (AAS) – Member, since 2014
  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) – Member, since 2009
  • Astrodynamics Research Group of Penn State (ARGoPS) – Member, 2017 - 2019
      • I was part of this research group from the year of its foundation, as a founding member, to my Ph.D. graduation. This research group includes students from various space systems- and space mechanics-related research projects
  • Penn State Astrodynamics Competition Squad (ACS) – Secretary, 2017 - 2019
  • Acta Astronautica, JSR, IEEE, JGCD, ASTR, and SADH manuscript reviewer, since 2016
  • Penn State College of Engineering Research Symposium (CERS) paper and poster reviewer, 2015 - 2019
      • I reviewed research papers and projects that undergraduate and graduate students at Penn State present during CERS on a semester basis

ARGoPS members with their faculty advisers on top of Hidden Peak (11,000 feet above sea level), Utah, August 2018. Davide is standing on the far right.

  • Aerospace Graduate Student Alliance (AeroGSA) – President, 2015 – 2017
      • I coordinated the main organization which represents graduate students in the Aerospace Engineering Department at Penn State by organizing social events, speakers' presentations, and networking opportunities
  • Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) Judge, 2016
      • I served as the judge of junior high school projects from various institutions in Blair county, in central Pennsylvania
  • Graduate Student Online Teaching Certificate, 2015
      • I received a certificate to allow me to teach online classes at Penn State during my graduate career in addition to giving me knowledge and experience regarding the creation and organization of online courses

Davide receiving the best thesis award from the Walk family, May 2014

  • Dynamic Control Feasibility of Maneuvering a Human Powered Aircraft, 2013
      • 1st Place in the Penn State Undergraduate Poster Exhibition for the development of a control strategy for the maneuvering of the Penn State Zephyrus, a human powered aircraft designed to participate in the Kremer Prize. For additional details, please refer to Design Competitions
  • Penn State Astronomy Club – Secretary, 2010 – 2013
  • Schreyer Honors College First-Year Student Orientation - Group Leader and Mentor, 2011 – 2012
      • I led groups of first-year honors students through their orientation process, Schreyer Honors Orientation (or SHO Time) in the Schreyer Honors College
  • Dante Prize sponsored by the Dante Society of America - Participant, 2010-2012
      • I have written manuscripts on various aspects of Dante Alighieri's most famous work, the Divine Comedy, as part of the Dante Prize competition
  • American Field Service (AFS) Scholar at Altoona High School, PA (GPA: 3.96/4.00), 2007 – 2008
      • I have participated in a year-long exchange program to attend the Altoona Area High School during the academic year 2007-2008
  • Ju-jitsu black belt (Shodan), certified experienced martial arts instructor and referee, 2006

Davide, receiving his Shodan (black belt) at the age of 16, in May 2006