
My official Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University website can be found here.

I have been teaching the core junior-level astronautics track courses at Embry-Riddle comprising of Space Systems Engineering (EP 394) and Space Mechanics (AE 313).

I am conducting research in the field of orbital mechanics and space mission design. Current research collaborators include Dr. Julio Benavides and Dr. Morad Nazari.

If you are interested in doing research with me, feel free to contact me.

I am working towards starting a summer study abroad program to Italy to encourage students to explore and learn about aerospace engineering in other nations, including potential job opportunities and cultural experiences for students.

I am the primary faculty adviser for a 35-student team composed of undergraduate and graduate students from the Embry-Riddle Prescott, Daytona Beach, and Worldwide campuses. The team is working on the formulation a space mission design aimed at delivering a crew to the surface of Mars for a 30-day period along with searching potential presence of life on Mars. If selected as a finalist, this work will be presented in June, 2020 at the NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) 2020 Forum in Cocoa Beach, FL. The Daytona Beach faculty team co-advisers are Dr. Ryan Kobrick, assistant professor of Commercial Space Operations from the Department of Applied Aviation Sciences, and Dr. Claudia Ehringer Lucas, visiting assistant professor of Engineering Fundamentals.

Davide giving a lecture on Systems Engineering. Fall 2019.

Courses I have taught at Embry-Riddle include:

  • EP 394 - Space Systems Engineering
  • AE 313 - Space Mechanics (Orbital Mechanics)
  • EGR 101 - Introduction to Engineering Design

Davide giving a lecture on orbital mechanics. Fall 2019.

The cover photo at the top of this page was taken in Sedona, AZ in July 2019.