Birds and Fish 1

This category is somewhat more involved than with the other, single motifs as it has two distinct motifs in conjunction with each other. Naturally, such a feature is obviously more difficult to achieve, at least of an acceptable standard, as discussed in greater detail in Essay 3, Motif Choice, and so consequently there are fewer examples of this type to be seen. 



A very pleasing tessellation as regards quality, with both motifs of a high standard, despite the additional aspect of two motifs, rather than one.



A minimum of two colours is required. A simple colouring of red and green is chosen, these being complementary. Each of the motifs interior detail is denoted with markings of its inherent colour, rather than the more usual black.




A minimum of two colours are required. A relatively rather more complex colouring is chosen, with core colours of blue and purple for the bodies of both bird and fish. Variety is given by having the 'extremities' of each motif and an additional colour, namely yellow and green respectively. Typically, the introduction of 'extraneous' colours can result in the motifs being less than ideally discerned with ease. Arguably this occurs here, and so such a scheme is double-edged, with variety added at the expense of clarity.