COLMOD is the Tax-Benefit Microsimulation model for Colombia powered by and following EUROMOD rules. The model is developed and administered by UNU-WIDER.

For more information see: UNU-WIDER- COLMOD

Colombia Country Report (preliminary)

Published Papers

2017 Learning from your neighbor: tax-benefit systems swaps in Latin America (with Olivier Bargain and Xavier Jara) Journal of Economic Inequality

2019 Política fiscal, pobreza y desigualdad: Un modelo de microsimulación para Colombia Revista Ensayos de Economía - UN

2024 Assessing the role of tax-benefit policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the Andean region Review of Development Economics

Working Papers

2019 Financial disincentives to formal work:  evidence from Ecuador and Colombia (with Xavier Jara)  WIDER Working Paper 14/2019

2019 Income redistribution in Latin America: a microsimulation approach (with: various authors) WIDER Working Paper 1/2019

Work in progress

2019  The supply of informal work in Colombia: a microeconometric approach

Externado Presentation


Financial disincentives for formal work Presentation


Modelling the supply of informal work
