-Assessing the role of tax-benefit systems in reducing the gender gap in income in Latin America GDLab-IADB

Result: WP Assessing the role of tax-benefit systems in reducing the gender gap in income in Latin America (with various authors) IADB Working paper (Forth.)

-The role of tax-benefit policies in mitigating the effects of COVID-19 in the Andean region– UK GCRF

Result: -Assessing the role of tax-benefit policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the Andean region (with various authors) Review of Development Economics V28, N3 

-MEXMOD: Simulating tax-benefit policies to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality in Mex.– UK GCRF

Result: MEXMOD webpage

         The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on poverty and inequality in Mexico      

-COLMOD: Tax and Benefit Microsimulation to tackle inequality in Colombia– UK GCRF

Result: COLMOD webpage



-The distributional effects of eliminating fuel subsidies in Latin America -UNU-WIDER

         Result (ongoing)

-Gendered effects of contracyclical policies during COVID in LATAM ECLAC    

         Result (ongoing)

- SOUTHMOD Project phase 3: COLMOD: Tax and Benefit Microsimulation -UNU-WIDER

         Result: SOUTHMOD: COLMOD webpage

-Assessing the effect of fiscal policies on the gender income gap in Central America -IADB

Result: WP Assessing the effect of fiscal policies on the gender income gap in Central America (with various authors)   IADB Technical Note No IDB-TN-2892 

 -The role of tax-benefit systems protecting household incomes in LatAm during the pandemic-UNU-WIDER

Result: The role of tax–benefit systems in protecting household incomes in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic WIDER Working Paper 125/2022

Forthcoming OUP Book: Poor protection: The role of taxes and social benefits in the developing world during crises. Editors Jouste M., R. Kanbur, J. Pirttilä 

-Analysing household indebtedness in Central America- IADB

Result: En búsqueda de mejores condiciones de endeudamiento para empresas y hogares: Informe económico sobre Centroamérica, México, Panamá y República dominicana

-Tax and benefit models in LatAm-UNU-WIDER

Result: Income redistribution in Latin America: a microsimulation approach WIDER Working Paper 1/2019

Financial Disincentives for Formal Work in Ecuador and Colombia: A Microsimulation Approach WIDER Working Paper 14/2019

-A computable general equilibrium model for Bogotá  Sec. de Hacienda Distrital y U. Rosario

-Labour Economics and Old Age in Colombia  HelpAge International

Result: Participación de los adultos mayores en las economías de mercado y del hogar en Colombia

-Consultant in Labour Econ. UNDP Colombia, Regional Labour Market Observatories ORMET.

Result: Construcción de indicadores de calidad del empleo para Colombia a partir de la GEIH (Nota Metodológica)