2024 -Calidad del empleo: una medición desde las preferencias de los trabajadores  (with C. Rozo, M.D. Cortés and Y. Cortés) Lecturas de Economía V 102  (Forth.)

-Assessing the role of tax-benefit policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the Andean region (with various authors) Review of Development Economics V28, N3

-Análisis de la estructura financiera departamental Ed. U. Externado (with various authors)

2022 -The role of tax–benefit systems in protecting household incomes in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic Forthcoming OUP Book: Cushioning against crises: The role of tax-benefit systems in the developing world (currently: WIDER Working Paper 125/2022)

-The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on poverty and inequality in Mexico REMEF V 16 N 3.

2019 -Política fiscal, pobreza y desigualdad: un modelo de microsimulación para Colombia Ensayos de Economía, V.29, N 54   

2017 -Learning from your neighbor: tax-benefit systems swaps in Latin America (with O. Bargain and X. Jara) Journal of Economic Inequality V 15. N 1

-Protección económica para la vejez en Colombia (with S. Farné and P. Rios). Páginas de Seg Soc V1 N1

2014 -Empleo e impuestos a la nómina en Colombia. Un análisis de los efectos ocupacionales de la Ley 1607 de 2012 de Reforma Tributaria Revista de Derecho Fiscal No. 7



2024   -The distributional and fiscal consequences of closing the employment gender gap in LatAm. (with P. Martinez)

-Assessing the distributional and fiscal prospects of a Basic Income in Latin America (with various authors)

-Redistribution and financial disincentives to formal employment in Latin America (with various authors)

-The distributional effect of eliminating fuel subsidies in Latin America (with X. Jara and J. Silva)

-Créditos fiscales y formalidad laboral: un análisis para Colombia (with J. Silva)

-Bilateral relations and foreign trade: a quantitative analysis for Türkiye (with N. Sezek)

- Incentivos a la formalización laboral en Colombia (with S. Farné, J. Silva and A. Escobar)

-Assessing the role of tax-benefit systems in reducing the gender gap in income in Latin America (with various authors) IADB Working paper (Forth.)

-Bargaining power within the household: the potential role of unpaid care work

-Assessing the effect of fiscal policies on the gender income gap in Central America (with various authors)

IADB Technical Note No IDB-TN-2892 

-Are labour markets segmented in developing economies? A clustering approach for Colombian workers (with J. Quintero)  

2021 -Assessing the cushioning effect of tax-benefit pol. in the Andean region during the pandemic CEMPA 8/21

The effect of COVID-19 and emergency policies on Colombian households’ income Documento de Trabajo 67, Faculty of Economics, Universidad Externado de Colombia (with Federico Corredor and Paola Rios)

2019  -Financial disincentives for formal work in Ecuador and Colombia: a microsimulation approach (with X. Jara)

-Income redistribution in Latin America: a microsimulation approach (with: various authors)

2018 -Simulación de Políticas Públicas con modelos de Equilibrio General Computable, Documento de Trabajo 59 Faculty of Economics, Universidad Externado de Colombia

2016 -Impacto de los subsidios estatales sobre el mercado laboral en Colombia Cuadernos de Trabajo No. 17 (with S. Farné and P. Rios)

2014 -Participación de los adultos mayores en las economías de mercado y del hogar en Colombia (with S. Farné).   Cuadernos de Trabajo No. 16. U Externado de Col.

-Trabajo Decente en Colombia: 2010-2014. (with S. Farné). Boletin del Observatorio No. 15.

-Ley 1607 de 2012 de reforma tributaria en Colombia: Un análisis de equilibrio general computable Cuadernos de Trabajo No. 15

-Una Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Bogotá. (Methodological note for Secretaría de Hacienda Distrital).

2013 -La Calidad del Empleo en 23 Ciudades Colombianas (with S. Farné) Boletin del Observatorio No. 14

-¿Bajar los Impuestos al Trabajo Genera Empleo?: Ley 1607 de 2012 de Reforma Tributaria en Colombia  Cuad. de Trabajo No. 14


COLMOD (Tax-Benefit Microsimulation model for Colombia powered by and following EUROMOD) see more

MEGC   (Simulación de Políticas Públicas con Modelos de Equilibrio General) see more

Mercado Laboral (Mercado Laboral y Seguridad Social en Colombia) see more

Agent Based Models see more

Bases de datos (Aqui)