Discovering Pi and its Measurement Variation Example

Here is a simple measurement experiment where the data are pooled by measuring the diameter and circumference of a round object such as lids, plates, etc. The measurement directions are on the "directions" tab of the spreadsheet below. The activity addresses measurement variation (precision) and with using a standard object such as 4 inch PVC pipe connector (see image below), the accuracy of the measurement can be assessed.

Here is the spreadsheet we developed that is set up to compute and graph data as collected. Instructors can select what materials or topics they want students to deal with. A small set of data is provided to show concepts and let you see what results are computed.

Discovering Pi & Measurement Variation

To download this spreadsheet above - click here (Remember go to File > Make a copy... to be interactive!)

4 in PVC DWV Coupling (connector)

By individual students or groups, data can be collected and amassed in the spreadsheet for comparison. Even different classes, different teachers, and schools can be compared. Completion between at a variety of levels can occur and awards for most precise and most accurate can be given. Great Pi Day activity!!!

Here is the article we wrote that goes into the details of all the tabs on the spreadsheet.

S.A. Sinex and T.L. Chambers (2018) Discovering Pi and its Measurement Variation: A Collaborative Cloud Activity, Spreadsheets in Education 10 (3), Article 4.