Newsletter / Walks info


May - August Sunday and Wednesday Evening Walks  program has now been published

Welcome to the  walks programme which provides details of the Sunday  and Wednesday evening walks to be led by the Darlington Ramblers Group between 1st May 2024 through to end of August 2024   - refer separate Sunday and Wednesday pages for relevant schedule of walks etc. 

For walkers’ guidance the walks in this programme are rated as easy, moderate or strenuous, and range in length from 4.5 to 10 miles. Easy walks are suitable for anyone with a reasonable level of fitness; they might include unsurfaced country paths and undulating ground, so walking boots are recommended. Moderate walks will include some more challenging conditions such as significant uphill and downhill slopes, and possibly more difficult ground conditions.

Most  Sunday walks in this programme the group will meet outside the Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College on Vane Terrace Darlington  and depart from there at 09:30  prompt and then share cars to the start of the walk.  - However there are some that depart at  09:00  and the coach trip at 08:30 from the Dolphin Center 

If you wish to go straight to the start of any walk please contact the walk leader beforehand, to check that arrangements have not been changed or the walk cancelled.

Non-members are welcome to come on up to three walks before joining Ramblers. The national charity’s goal is to protect the ability of people to enjoy the sense of freedom and benefits of walking.

For more information go to: or phone the Ramblers central office in London on 020 7339 8500. You can access our group’s website through the national site or by searching for Darlington Ramblers.

Sunday walks programme co-ordinator - Bob King, Tel. 01325 359110


Photos of Group Walks

When you have finished a walk, do you wish you could go back and check out the great views that you saw on the day or indeed the route that the walk took? 

Recent walks pics/route Maps are posted to " Darlington Ramblers " Facebook page.



Acting Chair – Paul Jackson

Secretary – David Reed

Vice Chair – Paul Jackson

Treasurer – Christine Hazlett

Footpath Secretary, Darlington Area – David Reed

Sunday Walks Programme Co-ordinator - Bob King

Wednesday Evening Walks Programme Co-ordinator - Marg West/ Martyn Reed

Countryside Officer – David Reed

Minutes Secretary – David Reed

Webmaster – Paul Jackson ( Still in training )

Social Secretary – Marg West and Audrey Noble will jointly cover the duties

Membership Secretary – Bob King

General committee member - Gillian Drummond


Would you be interested in leading a group walk? If so, an excellent introduction to what it involves is the Walk Leader’s checklist prepared by Ramblers central office.  You can download a copy from You will find it in the Walk Leader Toolkit in the Volunteer Zone. The brief and straightforward notes set out things to do or think about before the walk, the day before, on the day, on the walk, and after the walk. Also included is first aid advice provide by the British Red Cross. I have a few printed copies of the checklist if you would prefer to have a hard copy.


Contact- Bob King for an “In Case of Emergency” slip which it is good for every walker to fill in and carry on walks. Please ask me for a copy if you do not already have one.


The Darlington group has a small library of local OS maps which are available for group members to borrow. If you need a map, to prepare for leading a walk or just for your own purposes, please get in touch- Alternatively Ordnance Survey web site has 7 day free access where it is possible to plan/map out routes.

Bob King, Sunday walks co-ordinator

Tel. 01325 359110

Email: !


Darlington Ramblers Group has recently joined The Walking Partnership. This partnership, supported by Ramblers Worldwide Holidays, provides a direct financial contribution to the group if a member takes a holiday with them

Ramblers Worldwide Holidays operate group walking holidays in the UK and all around the world. Take a look at their website on or give them a call on 01707 331133 for more details or to order a brochure.

Remember when you book to quote the name of our group, and we will then receive a contribution of £10 per person on UK holidays, £20 per person on short haul holidays, and £30 per person on long haul holidays. This extra funding could really make a difference to us!

Email addresses

If you have received paper copies of the walks programme and newsletter through the post, and have an email account, would you please let me have your email address. Postage is a major expenditure for the Darlington group, so being able to send programmes electronically makes a significant saving.