
I like to take pictures wherever I travel to. I have used photography as a tool to show the human condition in different places.

Below are some photo exhibitions I have organized.

August 2020, Palazzo Pretorio, Sansepolcro (AR), Italy

This work is a collection of photos taken from 2014 to 2018, during work travels and missions in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

These pictures’ goal is to document. They portray a series of meetings – happened by chance or on purpose – with other human beings. But this is not all. Each picture aspires to tell something about the exact moment it has been shot, the human condition of the individuals, their every day life and their hope.

At the same time, the pictures aim to arouse the curiosity of the observer, while the absence of the color highlights their content and makes their message clearer. All of this should give a logic consistency to the work, and make its educative goal easier to reach while entertaining the audience.