
Check out resources for learning and research on behavioral finance, personal finance, investing, blockchain and cryptos, startups, academic finance at Stony Finance Lab


WRDS | Perplexity AI | S&P Capital IQ | EBooks MGH VitalSource | WRDS-SASStudio | WordCloud

WSJ  | Glassnode | CMC | Refinitive Eikon | Webull | Game of Trades 

Python: API for Fed Data |

Google | Google-scholar | Bing | Google-Flights | SSRN | CFRN  | AFA Membership | FMA Membership |

FEN NetworkCSWEP Annual Survey 

Barron's | Bloomberg | Gallup Daily | FINRA | | BehavioralFinance |

Latex Track Change | FINRA Grants | GSview | Postscript Printer |

Grammarly | Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher  | Web of Science  JCR report|

CFA | FAJ | CFA-ARX | CFA-NYSSA | VoxChinaKnowledge at Wharton |

AFFECT | Weixin |

MiB (Bloomberg) | MacroVoices | JDI Research | ETFConnect | CoTQuandl | EmmaClark |

ZOOM.US (whiteboard)Coursera | Udemy | Piktochart | Canva | Meetup | VoiceThread | Google Colab

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) | SAS Online | TinyURL | Edx (online education) | Kellogg Panel Reg Coding

Textbooks: |  Wealth of Well-being  | 

Tools:  CanvaGephi | MindMeister 

AI Tools and Courses

Microsoft 365 - CoPilot | OpenAI    ChatGPT   DALL-E2   |  Google Gemini   |   Claude  |    Elicit   |   Meta

LinkedIn: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Courses

LinkedIn and Microsoft: Career Essentials in Generative AI

Microsoft Ignite:  Machine learning with Python and Azure Notebooks

Microsoft GitHub: AI for Beginners | Introduction to AI for business users |  AI Business School 

Google Cloud Skills Boost:  Generative AI | Image Generation | Large Language Models | Responsible AI | Generative AI Developer Learning Path

For Developers: Hugging FacePyTorch

AI-related Research and Articles: Brookings |

Futurist - Gerd Leonhard: Education, Work, Jobs  |  Quotes

Conferences: AI in Finance by Columbia | Fintech, AI and Big Data by City U. of HK

Special Issues: ML, Generative AI, and Trading by JFM | Generative AI in Finance by JBF

Domain-specific AIs:  Trevor AI (scheduling) |  SlidesGo (create presentations) |  Consensus (Search engine for research) | ChatPDF (chat with PDF) |

                                                 OpusClip (Video to clips) |  Kome (Summarize articles) | Summarize (videos) |  AIExcelBot (Excel and Google Sheets formulas) |

                                                  Otter (Meeting GenAI) | QuizGecko (generate quizzes and tests) |  Charater (role play)

Bitcoin Core, References, Definition.

Stony Brook University

The Seawolf Story

NY Times College Mobility Interactive | Stony Brook Social Mobility | Stony Brook News

SBU Strategic Plan - Our MomentNew York Climate Exchange

Middle States  |  Evidence Inventory |


University | College of BusinessUniversity Calendar of Events | University Rankings

REACH Visioning | Stony Brook Analytics | University Financials |

Center of Entrepreneurial Finance | Blockchain Business LabTrading and Investing Lab

Faculty-Student Association (FSA) - Campus Dining Events | Vanguard Portfolio Tracker

Center of Behavioral Political EconomySBU Innovation LabStony Brook International Game Theory Conference

Equity, Inclusion and Diversity

STRIDE | Institute of Gas Innovation and Technology | Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center | Genesis-EFRCREI   |

Institute for STEM Education (I-STEM) |   Middle States Accreditation Reaffirmation |  


US News & World Report Rankings | Poets & Quants | QS World University RankingTimes Higher Education Global University Rankings

Tableau (enrollment data) | 

SBU Ranking | CoB UG Business Program Ranking | CoB Online MBA Ranking |

For Students

Simons STEM Scholars Program | SBU Merit Based Scholarships |  Honors College | CS Department Scholarships |

New York State Aid (STEM) |  EOP/AIM | Excelsior

WiCS HopperHack | SBUHacks


Pivot (funding opportunities) |  NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramCodes and Numbers |

Office of Sponsored ResearchOffice of Proposal Development  | Provost's Venture Fund (ProFund) | 

Accelerating Research | Faculty Pathways  

Grants: EPA Community Change Grants |  

Quant Finance Seminar | Finance Speaker Series | P&T |  

Eikon | Library | Access to Other Libraries | Inter-library Loan |   

IRB | myResearch | CITI Program | Grants-Researchers | Quatrics

Office of Research | Funding Opportunities | Startup New York at SBU | Office of Proposal | OPD Sharepoint |

Databases: WRDS | S&P Capital IQ | LSEG (Refinitive Eikon)

Academic Journal Guide (ABS, 2021) | ABDC (Journal Ranking)  | Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) 

Tilburg University Journal Ranking  |  BYU Accounting Ranking (top 12 journals) | Desautels 22 at McGill Business School

Center of Infectious Disease

Faculty Research and Tech Support

Faculty Resource | Digital Measures | Interfolio / Faculty 180 | Faculty ProfilesTravel and Expenses (Concur)

Tableau | Provost Office P&T | COACHE Survey 

Solar | Email | Service Ticket | Facilities and Services | Handshake | Parking

IT Services | Lynda | Virtual SINC | Eduroam | Qualtrics | SB U | SBConnect

Echo360 | Classroom Tech Reservation | Clickers | VoiceTread | IVQ Edit (Interactive Video with Quiz

OpScan OpscanPortal |   SoftWeb | BlackBoard | ClassieEvals (Fin) |   Information Technology

Travel | State Travel and Expense Guideline | Meals Breakdown |  GSA for Per Diem Rates | Exempt Purchase Certificate (SBF, NYS) |

Summer Project AidsRA/Post-doc Stipend |


CEF-SBEC Youth Entrepreneurship Summer Camp (2023 NEW!) 

SUNY Startup Summer School | Stony Brook Entrepreneurs Challenge (2023) | New York Business Plan Competition

SPD Center for Corporate EducationNew York DECA

Wolfie Tank | SUNY Long Island PitchFest (2021) | iCREATE’s Inventor Summer Camp (2021) |  High School Summer Programs

Vertically Integrated Projects Program (VIP) |  Incubator - Policy |  

Food Business Incubator (Calverton) | The CEWIT Incubator | Long Island High Tech Incubator 

Small Business Grant | Strategic Partnership For Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) | SBU Small Business Development Center |

Office of Intellectual Property Partners (IPP) | IPP Events | SUNY-RF Intellectual Property Policy |  

Public Officer Law $74 | P209: Disclosure of External Interests & Commitments Policy

Patent p614: university purchasing & contract administration

Use of Campus Facilities PolicyOutside Consulting Work Policy

Campus Events

Campus Announcement Submission |  

Staller Center | Music | Theatre Center

Teaching and Advising

Blackboard | Bright Space | Textbook Adoption | Strategies for Influence | ClassTechLockdown Respondus Browser |

Office of Educational Effectiveness (OEE)  |  25Live (reserve classroom and course scheduling)

CELT | Teaching ResourcesCourse Alignment ToolCourse Development  | For TAs | Bloom's Taxonomy  (Vanderbilt, Differentiator) | 

Forage (open source work experience simulation) | Parker Dewey Micro-Internship | Vertically Integrated Projects Program

NCDAE Cheatsheets for accessible content | Religious Holiday Calendar |

SBU Tuition and Fee | Online TuitionAcademic Calendar  | Ethics | Grading System | Graduate International Admission |

Leadership Academic Fellows | UUP   | UPP - Stony Brook | Stony Brook Jobs | SB EngagedRequest Alumni Email for Life |

Visiting Scholar Application | English Proficiency Requirements

AAPI Mentoring Network | Stony Brook Red Book | Employee Disability Accommodation

Doodle (scheduling) | Kahoot (Quiz) | Hedge Fund Competition | McGraw-Hill Create | McGraw-Hill Connect

Faculty SenateSencer | Wolfie Wallet |SBU Amazon

Name EmbeddingName Origin

| CELT Talent Grant | SUNY360 (Leadership)

Office of Global Affairs | Faculty Mentoring Program | Global Summer Institute | WiBE Associate Deans

LI Capital Alliance | National Venture Capital Association | Kairos Ventures | Tripoint |


Think Better with Laurie Santos (Yale University) | The Science of Well-Being (free course)

OEA - ReportIt (Ending harassment, Title IX) | UUP Member Only |

Campus Life

MyNYSHIP | Retirementatwork | NYSDCP (457b) | MyUHC | Advanced Dermatology |

LIRR | MTA | Amtrak | ChrisDeeLimo | Spartan |

Art Gallery Port Jeff Documentary Series | SBU Forum |

Lincoln Center | New York Philharmonic | NYU Salomon Center | NYU Stern - BPI Gallatin Lecture Series | TCFA Global |

Family | Health Care | ZK | EDHEC 

CODE | CEWIT | KidOyo | CodeLI | Major League Hacking | TeenHacks LI | Hack NY |

ToastMaster | Inspire | Kajabi

Community Music ProgramsArt Classes | Long Island Museum | Mills Pond Gallery | Atelier |

Other Universities

Finance Department Speaker Series | FSU SunTrust Beach Conference | International Special Academic Program in Finance

Department of Finance | College of Business | Florida State University | Center for Global Engagement | FEAS | SUSSAI |

FSU Faculty Development | Course Assessment | CRC Grant | Student Career Center | Academic Calendar | ISLongevity |

College of Music | Benefits | SUSORP | Ebrary | MYFSU | FSUEmail |

iPOLL Databank | FSU Tech Facebook

自然科学基金委 | 科学基金网络信息系统(Grants系统) | SWJTU Mail | ScholarMate