Columbia & RFS 

AI in Finance Conference

Artificial Intelligence and Finance: Opportunities and Risks

June 10-11, 2024

Columbia Business School


June 10

2.00 pm. WELCOME and COFFEE 

Session 1. 2.30 – 4.00 pm.  Chair:  Lin Peng (Baruch College)

2.30 - 3.15 pm. "Better than Human? Experiments with AI Debt Collectors", James Choi (Yale), Dong Huang (Yale), Zhishu Yang (Tsinghua University), Qi Zhang (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Discussant: Yijun Zhou (Baruch)

3.15 - 4.00 pm.  "Artificial Intelligence and Customer Acquisition in Retail Financial Services: Experimental Evidence from Insurance Distribution", Xing Liu (Tsinghua University)

Discussant: Scott Nelson (Chicago)

4.00 - 4.30 pm. COFFEE BREAK

Session 2. 4.30 – 5.15 pm.  Chair:  Tania Babina (Columbia) 

Paper: "Artificial intelligence and relationship lending", Leonardo Gambacorta (BIS), Fabiana Sabatini (Bank of Italy), Stefano Schiaffi (Bank of Italy)

Discussant: Matt Plosser (NY Fed)


7.00 – 9.00 pm. DINNER

June 11

8.30 - 9.00 am.  BREAKFAST

Session 3.   9.00 – 10.30 am.  Chair:  Jian Li (Columbia) 

9.00 - 9.45 am. "Trading Volume Alpha", Ruslan Goyenko (McGill), Bryan Kelly (Yale), Tobias Moskowitz (Yale), Yinan Su (Johns Hopkins), Chao Zhang (Oxford)

Discussant: Dmitriy Muravyev (Michigan State)

9.45 - 10.00 am.  "The Ghost in the Machine: Generating Beliefs with Large Language Models", Leland Bybee (Chicago)

Discussant: Josefina Cenzon (Bocconi)

10.30 - 11.00 am. COFFEE BREAK

Session 4.   11.00 – 12.30 pm. Chair:  Vojislav Maksimovic (Maryland)

11.00 - 11.45 am. "Capital Market Consequences of Generative AI: Early Evidence from the Ban of ChatGPT in Italy", Jeremy Bertomeu (WashU), Yupeng Lin (National University of Singapore), Yibin Liu (National University of Singapore), Zhenghui Ni (National University of Singapore)

Discussant: Miao Ben Zhang (USC)

11.45 - 12.30 pm"Crafting an AI Compass: The Influence of Global AI Standards on Firms", Mehmet Canayaz (Penn State) and Zhe Wang (Penn State)

Discussant: Sabrina Howell (NYU)

12.30 – 1.30 pm.  LUNCH

Session 5.   1.30 – 3.00 pm.  Chair:  Geoffrey Tate (Maryland)

1.30 - 2.15 pm.  "Displacement or Augmentation? The Effects of AI on Workforce Dynamics and Firm Value",  Mark Chen (Georgia State) and Joanna Wang (Peking University HSBC Business School)

Discussant: Gregor Schubert (UCLA)

2.15 - 3.00 pm.  "Reputational Algorithm Aversion", Gregory Weitzner (McGill)

Discussant: Vincent Glode (Wharton)

3.00 - 3.30 pmCOFFEE BREAK

Session 6.   3.304.15 pm.  Chair:  Ansgar Walther (Imperial College London)

Paper: "Coordinated vs Efficient Prices: The Impact of Algorithmic Pricing on Multifamily Rental Markets", Sophie Calder-Wang (Wharton) and Gi Heung Kim (Wharton)

Discussant: Lauren Cohen (HBS)

4.15 pm.  Concluding remarks