Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - 2

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Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780 - 1867)

Trang 2

Death of Leonardo da Vinci. 1818

Don Pedro of Toledo Kissing the Rapier of Henry IV. 1814

Entrance of Dauphin, future Charles V, to Paris. 1821

Jupiter and Thetis. 1811

Le Casin de Raphael. 1807

Le casino de l'Aurore de la villa Ludovisi. 1806

Paolo and Francesca. 1819

Project of Tomb for Lady Montagu. 1860

Raphael and Fornarina. 1813-1840

Roger Delivering Angelica. 1819

Romulus Victory over Acron. 1812

The Golden Age. 1862

The Songs of Ossian. 1811-1813

The Songs of Ossian. 1813