Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

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Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780 - 1867)

Trang 1

Portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte, The First Council. 1804

Portrait of Napoléon on the Imperial Throne. 1806

The Virgin of the Host. 1854

Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reims.


Odysseus. Study for the Triumph of Homer. 1850

Portrait of Countess D'Haussonville. 1845

Portrait of Ferdinand-Philippe, Duke of Orleans

Portrait of Francois-Marius Granet. 1807

Portrait of Frédéric Desmarais. 1805

Portrait of Madame Aymon, La belle Zélie. 1806

Portrait of Madame Cavé. 1844

Portrait of Madame de Senonnes. c. 1814-16

Portrait of Madame Duvauçay. 1807

Portrait of Madame Leblanc. 1823

Portrait of Madame Moitessier Sitting. 1856

Portrait of Madame Rivière. 1806

Self-Portrait at the Age of 24. 1804

Self-Portrait. 1858