Edgar Degas

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Edgar Degas (1834 - 1917)


Trang 1

Dancers, c. 1896

Ballet Class. 1881

Ballet Rehearsal on Stage

Ballet Rehearsal on the Set. 1874

Ballet Scene. 1907

Ballet Scene. c.1878-80


Blue Dancers. c.1890

Cafe Concert Singer. 1878

Dance Class. About 1871

Dancer . c. 1874

Dancer at the Photographer's. 1870s

Dancers Climbing a Stair. c.1886-1890

Dancers Practising at the Bar. 1876-77

Dancing Examination. 1874

Four Dancers. About 1899

Harlequin and Colombine. c.1886-1890

Mlle La La at the Circus Fernando. 1879

Sitting Dancer. c. 1879-80

The Blue Dancers. 1898-99

The Star. 1876-77

Tired Dancer. c. 1882-85

Two Dancers. c. 1898-99