June 2022

ONE - District One News Events

Latest News for June 2022

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June 5, 2022

[ Thinking Outside the Box ]

An ugly, but likely successful solution for many. Won't deter the nutball loners that don't care if they die, but many will take heed of the consequences.

Adding sane gun laws got zip done so far. A standard Glock magazine holds 15 to 33 bullets. Programs are great if/when they work, jobs can help. But not at 1am when a fist fight leads to bullets flying.

'Lifetime' NRA member calls for 'automatic death penalty' for all gun crimes"

A man who said he is a "lifetime" member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) called for new laws instating an "automatic death penalty" for all gun crimes.

On C-SPAN's Washington Journal program, a Republican caller named William reacted to the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

"We don't need any more gun laws," the Missouri Republican explained. "What we need to do is punish the criminals. If a criminal uses a firearm in a crime and is convicted, it's automatic death penalty."

"Let's stop fooling around and giving the criminals all the rights," he continued. "I'm a gun owner. I'm a hunter. I target shoot and I abide by all the laws of the land."

Makes all the sense in the world. Make using a firearm in a crime a Federal offense. Conviction=DOA. One appeal max, none if video proof exists.