
Research Publications

* undergraduate author

Ritzmann, RE and Fox, JL. (2022). Insect neuroethology: Flight constructs a compass for monarch migration. Current Biology. 32(2):R72-R74. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.11.051

Rauscher, MJ and Fox, JL. (2021). Haltere and visual inputs sum linearly to predict wing (but not gaze) motor output in tethered flying Drosophila. Proc Roy Soc B 288: 20202374.

Yarger, AM, Jordan, KA*, Smith, AJ*, and Fox, JL. (2021). Takeoff diversity in Diptera. Proc Roy Soc B 288: 20202375.

Dickerson, BH, Fox, JL, and Sponberg, SN. (2021). Functional diversity from generic encoding in insect campaniform sensilla. Current Opinion in Physiology 201:194-203.

Mohren, TL, Daniel, TL, Eberle, AL, Reinhall, PG, and Fox, JL. (2019). Coriolis and centrifugal forces drive haltere deformations and influence spike timing. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 16(153).

Kathman, ND and Fox, JL. (2019). Representation and integration of haltere oscillations in the fly central complex. Journal of Neuroscience 1707-18.

Yarger, AM and Fox, JL. (2018). Single mechanosensory neurons encode lateral displacement using precise spike timing and thresholds. Proc Roy Soc B 285:20181759.

Daltorio, KA and Fox, JL. (2018). Haltere removal alters responses to gravity in standing flies. J Exp Biol 221:jeb181719.

Mureli, S, Thanigaivelan, I*, Schaffer, ML*, and Fox, JL (2017). Cross-modal influence of mechanosensory input on gaze responses to visual motion in Drosophila. J Exp Biol 220:2218-2227.

Agrawal, S, Grimaldi, D and Fox, JL (2017). Haltere morphology and campaniform sensilla arrangement across Diptera. Arthropod Struct Dev 46(2): 215-229.

Hall JM*, McLoughlin DP*, Kathman ND, Yarger AM, Mureli S, Fox JL. (2015). Kinematic diversity suggests expanded roles for fly halteres. Biol Lett 11: 20150845.

Mureli, S and Fox, JL. (2015). Haltere mechanosensory influence on tethered flight behavior in Drosophila. J Exp Biol 218:2528-2537.

Fox, JL and Frye, MA. (2013). Figure-ground discrimination in Drosophila II. Visual influences on head movement. J Exp Biol 217:570-579.

Fox, JL, Aptekar, JW, Zolotova*, NM, Shoemaker, PA, and Frye, MA. (2013). Figure-ground discrimination in Drosophila I. Spatial organization of wing-steering responses. J Exp Biol 217:558-569.

Fox, JL, Fairhall, AL, and Daniel, TL. (2010). Encoding properties of halteres enable motion feature detection in a biological gyroscope. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 107(8):3840-3845.

Daniel, TL, Aldworth, Z, Fox, JL, Hinterwirth, A, Mountcastle, AM. (2009). Biologically inspired design: blurring the boundary between sensors and actuators. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Bio-inspired Sensing and Bio-inspired Actuation Technology. 38-48.

Daniel, TL, Dieudonne, A, Fox, JL, Myhrvold, CA, Sane, SP, and Wark, B. (2008). Inertial guidance systems in insects: from the neurobiology to the structural mechanics of biological gyroscopes. Navigation 55 (4): 235-240.

Fox, JL and Daniel, TL. (2008). A neural basis for gyroscopic encoding in the halteres of Holorusia. J Comp Phys A 194: 887-897.

Olberg, RM, Worthington, AH, Fox, JL, Bessette, CE, and Loosemore, MP. (2005). Prey size selection and distance estimation in foraging adult dragonflies. J Comp Phys A 191: 791-797.

Review Articles

Rauscher, MJ and Fox, JL. (2018). Inertial sensing and encoding of self-motion: structural and functional similarities across metazoan taxa. Integr Comp Biol

Yarger, AM and Fox, JL. (2016). Dipteran halteres: Perspectives on function and integration for a unique sensory organ. Integr Comp Biol 56(5):865–876

Other Publications

Fox, JL (2016). Commentary: Burst firing in a motion-sensitive neural pathway correlates with expansion properties of looming objects that evoke avoidance behaviors. Front Integr Neurosci 9:68.

Fox, JL (2014). Optical limitations guide behavioral algorithms in Drosophila. Front Behav Neurosci 8:374.

Fox, JL and Frye, MA. (2013). Animal behavior: Fly flight moves forward. Current Biology 23(7):278-279.

Daniel TL, Aldworth Z, Hinterwirth AJ, and Fox, JL. (2012). Insect inertial measurement units: Gyroscopic sensing of body rotation. In: Barth FG, Humphrey JAC, and Srinavasan MV (eds) Frontiers in Sensing: Biology and Engineering, pp. 287-297. Springer-Verlag, Vienna.