Ph.D. Research Advisory Committee in Physics (Theoretical), University of Calcutta



Anything sent to the personal e-mails of the PhD RAC members will be ignored.

To access the subpages and the forms, click on the top left, or the buttons below.

Registration Recommendation Proforma: Submit MS-Word (.doc/.docx) or OpenOffice/LibreOffice (.odt) file, with scanned signature and seal of the supervisor(s). Never send a pdf file. 

Registration Synopsis (1000-word): Only pdf file, the first page must contain the signature of the supervisor. Scan the first page to a pdf file and then attach with the pdf of the rest. Try pdfunite in linux.

Pre-PhD synopsis (5000-word): Same as Registration Synopsis, but must be signed by the supervisor(s) and the candidate on the front page. Only pdf files are accepted. 

Thesis examiners' list (from the supervisor): Only .doc/.docx/.odt version, no pdf please. Must contain a scanned signature of the supervisor at the designated place. 

Viva-voce examiners' list (for old regulation candidates, from the supervisor): Only .doc/.docx/.odt version, no pdf please. Supervisor's signature not needed.  

Title change: Applications to change the title of the thesis may be made along with the 5000 words synopsis. If done after the seminar,  please mention the date of the pre-Phd seminar. Pre-PhD synopsis and talk should bear  the current title. 

Note for the advisors: We often get reminders from the PhD section of the university for submission of the thesis examiners' (or viva-voce examiners') list. It is entirely the advisor's responsibility to submit them on time. We will never remind the advisors, we do not have that much free time. 

Covid-19 Update (20.5.2022)

The PhD registration and thesis submission can be done online/in person. For the modalities, please see

You can submit the soft copy of the 5000-word synopsis online (pdf file, not more than 15 pages) 

The Pre-PhD seminars can be arranged online on GoogleMeet but preferably held in person

**********  Important notice  *************

Please note that the PhD RAC works without any secretarial help, and the convenor as well as other members have lots of teaching and administrative responsibilities. Also note that the under-staffed PhD cell has to cater to more than 90 departments, plus the sister institutes. Your co-operation is appreciated. 


Document submission

All documents that you need to submit to the Ph.D. RAC must be dropped in the mailbox of the Convenor, kept in the office of the Physics Department. (Covid-19 update: No such documents needed right now. Send softcopies only.)

All e-mails are to be sent to, and not to any Ph.D. RAC member's personal e-mail.


All queries are to be directed to the Ph.D. section of the University at the College Street campus. Only urgent and exceptional queries may be made to the convenor and only by e-mail to the official account. Please read the relevant sections and the FAQ first for your queries. 

For the advisors: Please check the "Advisors' corner" for information on the preparation of examiners' list, and all that. In particular, please note that inclusion of anyone, as possible thesis or viva-voce examiner, who is not a full professor (or equivalent) may cause unnecessary delay and a resubmission of the said list. (Covid-19 update: This will be done online, please keep an eye on this page to know the exact modalities). 

Registration: See the Ph.D. registration page.

Pre-Ph.D. seminar (5000 words): See the Pre-Ph.D. Seminar page. Read this page first on the preparation of the 5000-word synopsis. 

Important note for advisors: It is not the responsibility of the PhD RAC to remind the advisors to submit the thesis and viva-voce examiners' list on time. The former should be submitted before the candidate submits the thesis. The latter should be submitted within 2-3 months of thesis submission. The responsibility lies solely with the advisor. 

NEW: Please note that all candidates enrolled (not registered) after 28/11/2016 fall under the purview of the new PhD regulation of CU. For such candidates, no separate viva-voce examiners' list should be submitted. One of the thesis examiners will be asked to be present during the viva-voce. It is recommended to the advisors that they may submit a list that contains 2-3 names from within the state, preferably Kolkata.    

NEW: Rules for Early Submission Request: See Advisors' corner.

Please do not request for out-of-turn scheduling of pre-Ph.D. seminar. We have a fixed schedule and we cannot change it just for the candidates' and/or supervisors' convenience.