Pine Pink Orchid

The Pine Pink Orchid is a plant with the scientific name Bletia purpurea.


Domain: Eukaryote

Kingdom: Plant

Phylum: Vascular Plant

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Asparagales

Family: Orchids

Genus: Bletia

Species: Purpurea


Size: grows up to 150 cm in height

Mass: the individual orchids, which are relatively small, have low weight

Coloration: the hues range from blue to purple

Life Span: most orchids live until 15-20 years, and after that, blooming becomes weaker

Distinctive Features: these orchids have 3 petals and 3 sepals, as well as a tube which is called a column

Unique Characteristics: sepals can be mistaken for petals, uses food deception to attract bees


Habitat: The pine pink orchid typically is found in ecosystems such as floodplains, meadows, swamps, forests, and grasslands, and other generally grassy and wet areas.

Niche: Orchids are part of a complex web in their ecosystem, which makes disturbances to their environment very harmful for them. They rely on mycorrhizal fungi and pollination, which is in turn affected by the orchids.

Food sources: The pine pink orchid, like most plants, photosynthesize for glucose as a food source. They are prey to slugs and snails.

Status: Threatened

Cultural Significance: In various cultures, orchids are associated with love, elegance, luxury, and perfection.

Cool Story: Did you know, more and more weddings are being done with orchids? They are used in a variety of ways, including wedding bouquets and centerpieces. They symbolize a variety of values and are becoming popular by the day! When Tanya and Gary got married, their candle lit dinner was decorated with bouquets of wedding flowers, including orchids. According to Tanya’s mother, Ms. Gonzales, their wedding is still complimented for the lovely floral decor to this day.