Baird's Tapir

Baird’s Tapir

Scientific Name: Tapirus bairdii

Description: They are mostly nocturnal mammals that measure around 6 feet long, and weigh anywhere from 300-550 pounds. They are dark brown on the top, and closer to the bottom they are paler, with white fringe near their underside. They have short, thin legs, which helps them run quite quickly. They also have big ears and white lips.

Habitat: The Baird’s Tapir is found in areas with forests, that have many streams and ponds. They also must be around areas with large amounts of vegetation because this is what they feed on.

Food Habits: They are herbivores, and will not eat meat no matter the circumstance. The highest food that they can eat is about 5 feet up. A large part of the Tapir’s diet comes from leaves, yet they can also eat grass, buds, aquatic vegetation, fruits, and twigs.

Role in Ecosystem: They serve as seed dispersers and food for large cats such as pumas and jaguars. They can also be indicators of how well a rainforest ecosystem is doing due to their sensitive environment preferences.

Food Web:

Status: Endangered and the population is still decreasing, mostly due to habitat loss and hunting.

Needs: They need a good amount of vegetation and water to live somewhere.