Chemical Thinking Interactives

CT Interactives

This website includes a set of interactive educational resources used to support teaching and learning in introductory chemistry courses, particularly in the Chemical Thinking curriculum. We include links to simulations developed in-house or by other educational groups (e.g., KCVS, Molecular Workbench, PhET) to more actively engage students in the analysis of the properties and behaviors of different chemical systems. We have transformed our original flash simulations into HTML5 to make them compatible with all types of browsers and devices. These new simulations are classified based on the topic or concept that they help address. We use them in the classroom to have students generate data that they can analyze, identify patterns in the properties of a system, test hypothesis, and verify predictions. Your questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed here.

Check these new resources out to support the teaching of chemistry using a systems thinking approach: SaSTICE

Visit this Youtube site for a video-introduction to planning, implementing, and assessing lessons in this educational framework.