Professional Baby Name Generator

Post date: 28-Nov-2016 23:56:19

Game by: Chris Young

Reviewed by: Simon Ferré

Following on from our previous review, Chris has been at it again after (in his own words): improving the algorithm, then realising the improvements would mean the data required wouldn't fit in the poor old Speccy's limited memory.

So, we have here a professional looking title:

Title screen

Shame about the word wrapping, but I suppose there's no algorithm for that. Onwards and upwards. I selected 2 middle names, entered my surname and hey presto:

I like the note: Reminds me of all those ebay items that fetch thousands after appearing on the news and surprisingly then not selling even though the purchaser enters a "legally binding contract" with the seller.

I ran the program again (well, I had to enter GO TO 14) and here was the result:

There really isn't a lot left to say about this program, apart from mention that it's not really a game (does that give it bonus points?), it's got some clever machine code in it (don't ask me to disassemble it - I have no idea about Z80 code), it has limited use, it seems to display one name less than you entered at the start, and it stops unceremoniously at the end of running. If you enter RUN to start it again it simply tries to re-load the machine code. Not great.

Score: Bun out of the Oven.