Blitz Tournament 0084 - 0092

Master of Blitz Grand Prix

Status: Finished


As Challenge Space Yard further develops his local colony of Blitzworld, one of the other inhabitants, Sudakan, offer a new way to play blitz. Challenge Space Yard accepts Sudakan's offer to host the new format, and sends a freighter to rally newcomers. This tournament challenges 16 participants for control of Quadrant II of Blitzworld.

Key Pages

Tournament Regulations

Core Regulations

    • This tournament is hosted by Sudakan.

    • This is a double elimination tournament! The first loss will demote a player to the Loser's Bracket. A second loss will then eliminate a player.

    • Combatants will be shuffled and seeded randomly.

    • This tournament has a fixed capacity, accepting 16 combatants. Combatant slots are filled on a first come, first served basis.

Racial Regulations

    • Throughout the tournament, players will be allowed to use a single race.

    • The Horwasp Plague is not permitted in this tournament.

Game Regulations

    • Whisperer, as a facilitator and assistant, will be the host responsible for these games.

    • Each pairing will play a single game.

    • Important! Players are strongly advised to keep at least 90% tenacity throughout the entirety of their duration in the tournament.

    • Although these games are not true blitz games, they carry a blitz-like configuration.

      • Map specifications are 500x500 and 30 planets

      • Victory condition is Total Planets. One player must take and hold at least 15 planets (50%) in order to win.

      • Campaign Mode is enabled for these games. Maximum advantage allowed in the games is 500.

      • Expanded Combat System is enabled for these games.

      • Progressive Fight or Fail is enabled for these games. For every 3 turns that elapses, at least one planet must be held to remain alive.

      • Alert! Players are reminded that these games are allowed to have Massive Meteor strikes.

Prize Pool

Major Prizes

The major prizes for this tournament are currently as follows:

    • Champion (1st place): Gold medal

    • 2nd place: Silver medal

    • 3rd place: Bronze medal

Ladder Points (LP) Awards

This is a ranked tournament of the second season. The winner of this tournament will receive LP based on the number and strength of the combatants. All other players will receive reduced LP based on how far they fall short of the winner (rounding to the nearest integer). The grand prize has been determined to be 92 LP.

First-time players of the season must win at least one pairing from this tournament in order to receive a rank.