Blitz Tournament 0056 - 0076

Discovery of Blitzworld

Status: Finished


After several months of recovering from the depression, combined with traveling with minimum fuel, Challenge Space Yard has finally discovered a brand new planet. In celebration of the fourth anniversary of blitz tournaments, this planet will be named Blitzworld, and the first tournament will take place there. This tournament challenges anywhere between 16 and 32 players to be the blitz champ and gain control of Quadrant I.

Key Pages

Tournament Regulations

Due to the large size of the regulations, they have been broken up into smaller, more manageable sections.

Core Regulations

    • Combatants will be organized by their grand achievement total (from available completed games, excluding championships and destruction). This total is divided by 1000, and is used as their echelon rank, up to a maximum echelon rank of nine. Combatants within each echelon rank will be shuffled and then seeded.

    • This tournament is flexible in players, accepting anywhere between 16 and 32 combatants. Combatant slots are filled on a first come, first served basis.

      • The first sixteen combatant slots are guaranteed to be usable, with sixteen additional combatant slots designated as potential overflow slots. Any number of overflow slots are acceptable in this tournament.

      • After the guaranteed slots are filled, sign ups are available as long as the tournament continues to receive new applications. The drought timer starts at the maximum of six (6) days since the sixteenth sign up was accepted, and will be extended by one day for each additional sign up. If the goal is not reached before the drought timer expires, then sign ups can be closed at any time.

    • CSY prefers (but does not require) that players have at least one finished Nu game (as an original player) and/or some blitz experience before they sign up for this tournament.

    • Important! This tournament does not impose any tactical restrictions.

    • This tournament has been enhanced with campaign abilities that are standard issue in non-classic games. Still, it is a non-campaign tournament.

Racial Regulations

    • Throughout the tournament, players will be allowed to use a maximum of three race options.

    • Race options will not be accepted in advance. Rather, when a player plays with a race option they have not played before in this tournament, it will be revealed and consume one of their slots.

    • Since race options are only revealed as they are used for the first time, players can save one or two open race options for later pairings in a tournament.

    • There will not be a primary race. Race options can be used at any time throughout this tournament.

    • New! The Horwasp Plague is not permitted in this tournament. The tournament was started well before the new race was made available to the public.

Game Regulations

    • Each pairing will play a best of 3 games. The only exception towards this rule is the final round (best of 5).

    • Before games can be created, players must send one race choice they want to use for their next game to CSY. When he receives the choices from both players in a pairing, he will reveal the races for the players involved and host a game that will be assigned to that pairing.

    • Most games may last a maximum of 30 days.

      • If a game's clock expires before the victory condition has been achieved, assuming the game has reached turn 46 or later, whoever controls at least 80% of the owned planets wins.

        • If fewer turns were played, then the game is extended until 2 days after the turn quota has been reached. If neither player controls enough planets or achieves military supremacy when the game expires, the game ends in a draw.

      • "Final" games and subsequent games are not subject to the 30 day constraint.

    • Should the scores remain tied after the allotted games are played, then there will be a sudden death game. Only player with a starbase remaining after turn 10 wins.

    • Due to time constraints, any deviations from the typical everyday schedule must be approved by CSY.

    • In the event there is a problem setting up the game(s), CSY must be contacted by the players involved in the affected pairing(s). If he receives incomplete contact in any pairing, he will disqualify the players that did not contact him.

Prize Pool

Major Prizes

The major prizes for this tournament are currently as follows:

    • Champion / 1st place: Gold medal

    • 2nd place: Silver medal

    • 3rd place and 4th place: Bronze medal

Ladder Points (LP) Awards

This is a ranked tournament of the second season. The winner of this tournament will receive LP based on the number and strength (the players' echelon ranks) of the combatants. All other players will receive reduced LP based on how far they fall short of the winner (rounding to the nearest integer). The grand prize has been determined to be 116 LP.

Players must win at least one pairing to receive a rank in this new season.