The CRRCSIM Config File - Example: Sport 

Example: the Sport Model

The CRRC sim configuration file determines how the model behaves. For our example, we will take the sport.xml file and inspect it. The model represents an internal combustion engine powered RC model with tricycle landing gear. 

The Sport model - screenshots.   This is a retractable gear model plane, with the letter G retracting the landing gear. 

The sport.xml file. Copied from sport.xml in CRRCSIM 9.13 

The section for landing gear has been omitted as it is not relevant here. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>

<CRRCSim_airplane version="2">








    <en>A typical glow engine aerobatics trainer. Features retractable and steerable gear.</en>





      <author>CRRCSim 0.9.5</author>

      <en>Automatically converted from .air file.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Added steerable nosewheel.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Retractable gear animation.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Added hardpoint on bottom of fuselage behind spinner.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Retract animation now moves the corresponding hardpoints.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Aileron animation.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Rudder and elevator animation.</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Fine-tuned nose gear retract animation.</en>




      <author>Jens W. Wulf</author>

      <en>Extended launch default settings to what has been default on 'Davis'</en>




      <author>Jan Reucker</author>

      <en>Added aero.retract section to simulate the lift loss and drag induced

          by the retractable gear.</en>




      <author>J. Reucker</author>

      <en>Added max_force to springs</en>



  <aero version="1" units="0">

    <ref chord="0.6875" span="4" area="2.75" speed="39.3701" />

    <misc Alpha_0="0.0122173" eta_loc="0.3" CG_arm="0.75" span_eff="0.95" />

    <m Cm_0="0.0142156" Cm_a="-0.298318" Cm_q="-10.2802" Cm_de="-0.621038" />

    <lift CL_0="0.108991" CL_max="1.1" CL_min="-0.6" CL_a="4.81276" CL_q="7.24396"

       CL_de="0.24722" CL_drop="0" CL_CD0="0" />

    <drag CD_prof="0.067" Uexp_CD="-0.5" CD_stall="0.15" CD_CLsq="0.01" CD_AIsq="0"

       CD_ELsq="0" />

    <Y CY_b="-0.81642" CY_p="0.00979" CY_r="0.333907" CY_dr="0.22749"

       CY_da="-0.02761" />

    <l Cl_b="-0.0240925" Cl_p="-0.462504" Cl_r="0.0460948" Cl_dr="0.0188651"

       Cl_da="0.143837" />

    <n Cn_b="0.148155" Cn_p="-0.0138288" Cn_r="-0.157387" Cn_dr="-0.111666"

       Cn_da="0.0117119" />

    <retract lift="-0.3" drag="0.04" />


  <config version="1">


      <en>Automatically converted from sport.air.</en>





    <mass_inertia version="1" units="0" Mass="0.0932256" I_xx="0.0456257"

       I_yy="0.0445163" I_zz="0.0882453" I_xz="0.00304607" />

    <sound version="1">

      <sample filename="fan.wav" type="0" pitchfactor="0.002" maxvolume="1" />


    <power units="1">

      <automagic F="12.232605" V="15.877516">

        <battery throttle_min="0.2">

          <automagic T="420" />

          <shaft J="0" brake="0">

            <propeller D="0.24384" H="0.170688" J="0" n_fold="-1" />


              <automagic omega_p="2827" eta_opt="0.78" eta="0.7" />







  <graphics version="1" model="">


      <en>Automatically converted from sport.air.</en>







    <preset name_en="Davis default (ground)" altitude="0" velocity_rel="0" angle="0" sal="0" rel_to_player="1" rel_front="21" rel_right="0" />

