Evolution & Ecology of Human Behavior & Culture Lab

There remains some debate as to whether we are a CABAL (i.e., a Cultural And Behavioral Adaptation Lab) -- there is no doubt about our conspiratorial aims for world domination, but some of us care about neutral evolutionary processes too. 

We meet on a weekly basis to discuss work in progress and papers of interest to evolutionary social and behavioral scientists. 

If you want to join the list serve email moya@ucdavis.edu

Graduate Students

Patricio Cruz y Celis Peniche

Undergraduate Students

Anna Mejia Contreras

Faith Mbakadi

Undergrad Alums

Genesis Dominguez Mendoza

Mustafa Malik

Aryana Yanez

Occasional (Online) Visitors

Billy Baum

Monique Borgerhoff Mulder

Michael Wright

Positions Available

If you have experience in discourse analysis in Spanish and are interested in consulting for the project on the adoption of new rituals, please do get in touch.