
Welcome to the Student Page for grief and loss. You are smart for searching for resources about grief and loss. This is a difficult time that can be overwhelming. The tips and resources below will help you. There is a chart with links at the bottom of the page to more helpful resources.

Things you can do if you are grieving:

  • Face your feelings.

  • Talk to and spend time with family and friends

  • Express your feelings in a journal, drawing, painting, or sculpting.

  • Write a letter to your loved one and keep it somewhere special

  • Make a book celebrating the time and memories shared with your loved one

  • Make a box about your loved one with things in it that remind you of him or her

  • Listen to music or play an instrument

  • Exercise, play or sport, or join a club

  • Look after your physical health. Do not use drugs or alcohol.

  • Don’t let anyone tell you how to feel, and don’t tell yourself how to feel either.

  • Plan ahead for grief “triggers." Be prepared for holidays, birthdays, holidays.

  • Draw comfort from your faith if you believe in a higher power

  • Join a support group through your school, church, or through a counseling center

  • Make a your own support group and help others experiencing similar feelings

  • Organize an event to raise money for a good cause, possibly the cause of your loved one's death

  • Talk to a therapist or grief counselor

Things you can do to help if a friend is grieving:

  • Acknowledge the situation, do not ignore it. The person usually wants to talk about their loved one.

  • Express your concern, tell your friend you are sorry for their loss.

  • Offer your support. Tell your friend to let you know what you can do to help. Ex. run an errand

  • Ask how he or she feels

  • Sit with him or her quietly and be there for support

  • Ask him or her to tell you what your favorite memories of his or her loved one are. Again, he or she wants to talk about their loved one.

  • DO something for them. Make them something, get them a card, gift, etc. Show them you care.

  • Grieve with them, do not try to make them "happy" again.

  • Give them a simple hug and let them know you are here for them

Things NOT to do if a friend is grieving:

  • "I know how you feel."

  • Do not try to minimize their pain. Ex. "Well, they were old and lived a good life."

  • Do not try to explain what God is doing behind the scenes. Ex. "It's part of God's plan."

  • Do not blame the other person. Ex. "I wonder what you did to deserve this."

  • "Look at what you have to be thankful for."

  • "He's in a better place now."

  • "This is behind you now; it's time to get on with your life."

  • Statements that begin with "You should" or "You will."

  • Ignore the situation

  • Get mad at them for being upset, moody, or mopey

  • Do not try to make them "happy" again, just be with them and grieve along side them.

  • (, 2012)

The site names in ORANGE are the top sites:

Student Resource Chart