

YOU are very important to our program!

The role of a Catholic Catechist is to share the Word of God both by word and example. Pope Francis tells us the Church needs “good catechists who are both companions and teachers”. You see, catechists do more than simply teach the faith; they share their faith and guide their students to learn how to apply and live their faith, as well.

It has been a long tradition at Corpus Christi that our parish family has offered their time and talents. It is through caring, sharing and praying that our community has grown in love and support of one another. The success of our faith formation program depends on the dedicated individuals in our parish willing to share their time, talents and faith with the future church, our parish children. We encourage all our parishioners, as well as parents of children in our program to help in some way. We are always in need of catechists, classroom aides, substitute catechists, and safety monitors who oversee the arrival and dismissal of our students. Please consider volunteering as a catechist in our K-12 Faith Formation program.


· Faith Formation Catechist Grades K-12

· Substitute Catechist

· Classroom Aides ~ Grades K-5 (assist the Catechist as needed)

· Gate Keeper ~ Volunteers are needed to oversee the arrival and dismissal of faith formation youth

Contact: Stella Ritter

Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation.

Phone: 518-877-8506 ext. 373
