Convert to DNG

CornerFix work exclusively with DNG format files. The DNG format is an open standard for encoding raw image data. If your camera doesn't produce DNG format files, then you will need to convert your image files to DNG format. You can do this a number of ways:

    1. By exporting from an Adobe application, e.g., Lightroom, Photoshop or Camera Raw.
    2. By using the free Adobe DNG conversion program. This converts from a large selection of raw formats (e.g., Nikon NEF, canon CR2, etc) to DNG format. You can find the Adobe DNG converter on the Adobe site.

DNG Converter Settings

Normally, you should use the default DNG conversion settings - these will provide the best starting point for CornerFix to work with. However, there are a small number of cameras that require different settings. For example, the Fujifilm IS Pro, which has a special sensor with extra pixels that are sensitive to ultraviolet and infrared light, cannot be corrected while its sensor data is in raw form. In cases like this, CornerFix will give warning messages such as:

  • "CornerFix doesn't recognize the Bayer pattern"
  • "CornerFix doesn't recognize the data format"
  • "CornerFix doesn't recognize the pixel format"
  • "Unsupported DNG format"

In these cases, you should change the DNG converter settings to "Linear(demosaiced)". This is usually under the Change Preferences->Compatibility->Custom menu, depending on the particular DNG converter version you are using.