News and Media

Rachel Vogel will be starting Yale Law School where she intends to combine her knowledge of linguistics with law to advance issues of social justice.

Mia Gong has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Linguistics at University of California Santa Cruz .

Lingzi Zhuang has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Toronto Mississauga.

The SSILA Ken Hale prize is presented in recognition of outstanding community language work and a deep commitment to the documentation, maintenance, promotion, and revitalization of Indigenous languages in the Americas.

Many common labels for this region’s Indigenous people and places, including “Cayuga,” are actually mispronunciations imposed by white settlers

Skilton studies joint attention behaviors – when one person draws someone else’s attention to a third person or object using gestures or demonstrative words

We congratulate our recent Ph.D. graduates, including Mary Moroney!

Charlotte Logan, a doctoral student in linguistics, was recently selected as a Cobell Graduate Summer Research Fellow.

"I've made it my mission to increase and support minorities in academia." Read more about the Class of 2021.

Carol-Rose Little has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma.

Lingzi Zhuang, doctoral student in linguistics, was one of the students selected to receive a Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship.

We congratulate our recent Ph.D. graduates! Due to COVID-19, dissertation defenses were held via Zoom.

Many lab members presented at conferences throughout the Summer, Fall, and over Winter break

Vázquez Martínez presented the talk entirely in Ch’ol, with slides in English. This is the first time a talk at SSILA has ever been given in an Indigenous language.

Stephen Henhawk, a Cayuga speaker and historian, will teach the hands-on class, which will focus on the relationship of language and culture to plants and growing.

“I like to teach people how to speak Lao,” Sisouphone said in an interview with the Sun. “I learn from students and students learn from me too.”

“I am a Ch'ol speaker, it is my native language," said Vázquez Martínez. Personally, I would very much like for people to know the great importance that it has and that it is not lost."

Moroney is one of eighteen Cornell doctoral students have received 2019-20 Engaged Graduate Student Grants, which will support community-engaged research relevant to their dissertations.