"The questions actually multiply faster than the answers, and that is the charm of education as a search process."   

                                                                                                  Vernon Smith

Discovery - A Memoir (2008)

"Science is not meant to cure us of mystery, but to reinvent and reinvigorate it." 

Robert Sapolsky (2017)

Professor of Finance, emlyon business school

Research Associate, GATE LAB, CNRS & Economic Science Institute

Associated Editor: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

E-mail: bcorgnet@gmail.com

Research Website at Google Scholar and IDEAS.

Research Interests:

Organizational & Labor Economics: incentive theory, intrinsic motivation, automation and personnel economics.

Cognitive & Behavioral Economics: reciprocity, self-serving biases, dual-system models and neuroeconomics.

Behavioral & Corporate Finance: experimental asset markets, information aggregation, market efficiency, learning, financial literacy, bubbles and cognitive finance.

Experimental Methods: virtual firms, physio, neuro, online and field experiments.

Bio: I investigate questions related to Organizational & Labor Economics, Behavioral Finance and Cognitive Economics. My work in finance focuses on market design, financial literacy and the informational efficiency of markets. Recently, I have put most of my research effort into creating the field of "Cognitive Finance". I am also developing a computer software "Virtual Organization"  (starting Dec. 2008) for the realization of research experiments as well as for teaching in disciplines ranging from Corporate Finance to Organizational Economics. 

Some recent publications (all publications here):

Tail events, Emotions and Risk-taking” (2023) (link)

Economic Journal Accepted (with C. Cornand and N. Hanaki)

Let’s Chat…. When Communication Promotes Efficiency in Experimental Asset Markets?” (2023) (link)

Management Science Accepted (with M. DeSantis and D. Porter)

“Peer Effects in an Automated World” (2023) (link)

Labour Economics Accepted (with R. Hernan and R. Mateo)

All at Once! A Comprehensive and Tractable Semi-Parametric Method to Elicit Prospect Theory Components,  (2023) (link)

Journal of Mathematical Economics 104, 102790 (with T. Kpegli and A. Zylberszteijn)

“Predicting the Unpredictable: New Experimental Evidence on Forecasting Random Walks(2023) (link)

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 146, 104571 (with T. Bao, N. Hanaki, E. Riyanto and J. Zhu)

“When Do Security Markets Aggregate Dispersed Information? (2022)  (link)

Management Science 69(6), 3697-3729 (with Deck, C., DeSantis, M., Hampton, K. W., & Kimbrough, E.)

Perturbation of Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Makes Power-Holders Less Resistant to Tempting Bribes” (2022) (link)

Psychological Science 33(3), 412-423 (with Y. Hu, R. Phillipe, V. Guigon, S. Zhao, E. Derrington, J. Bonaiuto and J-C. Dreher) 

Forecasting Skills in Experimental Markets: Illusion or Reality? (2022) (link)

Management Science, 68(7), 5216-5232 (with C. Deck, M. DeSantis and D. Porter)  

“Information Aggregation And The Cognitive Make-Up Of Traders (2021) (link)

European Economic Review 133, 103667 (with M. DeSantis and D. Porter)  

“Watching or Not Watching? Access to Information and the Incentive Effects of Firing Threats” (2021) (link)

 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 189, 672-685 (with J. Brandts, R. Hernan, J. Ortiz and C. Sola)  

“Cognitive Finance” (2021) (link)

Handbook of Experimental Finance, Edward Elgar Publishing, In Press (with C. Bosch-Rosa)

Harnessing the Power of Social Incentives to Curb Shirking in Teams (2021) (link)

 Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 30(1), 139-167 (with B. Gunia and R. Hernan) 

Economic Stability Promotes Gift-Exchange in the Workplace (2021) (link)

 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 187, 374-398 (with H. Bejarano and J. Gomez-Minambres) 

“On Booms That Never Bust: Ambiguity in Experimental Asset Markets with Bubbles” (2020) (link)

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 110, 103754 (with R. Hernan and P. Kujal)

“Personality, Emotional Intelligence, and Rationality,” (2020) (link)

Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-28 (with R. Hernan and S. Gaechter)

“Revisiting the Tradeoff Between Risk and Incentives: The Shocking Effect of Random Shocks” (2019) (link)

Management Science 65(3), 1096-111 (with R. Hernán)

“What Makes a Good Trader? On the Role of Reflection and Intuition on Trader Performance” (2018) (link)

Journal of Finance 73(3), 1113-1137 (with M. DeSantis and D. Porter)

“Goal Setting in the Principal-Agent Model: Weak Incentives for Strong Performance” (2018) (link)

Games and Economic Behavior 109, 311-326  (with J. Gomez-Minambres and R. Hernán)  P

I am an associate editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization since January 2022.

My research has recently been published in major journals including Journal of Finance, Management Science, Economic Journal, Review of Finance, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Psychological Science, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, Experimental Economics, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Economic and Management Strategy, Journal of Neuroscience, Elife, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience...

My recent referee activity in Economics, Finance, Social Psychology, and Management includes (among many others): Journal of Finance, Econometrica, NSF, ERC & ANR grants, Review of Economic Studies, Management Science, Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of European Economic Association, European Economic Review, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ...