One of my goal is to apply some of the insights gained in behavioural sciences to societal issues. I do this in several different ways.


Project with the Ville de Paris

  • The goal of this project is to implement nudges to promote collaborative and green behaviours in public spaces.

Collaborations with economists on RCTs

  • Chevallier, C., with Huillery, E., Algan, Y. and Bouguen, A. The Impact of a Large-Scale Mindset Intervention on School Outcomes and Dropouts: Experimental Evidence from France. This randomized experiment tests the impact of motivation in school behaviour, outcomes and dropouts, using student level data from 97 middle schools in France. The intervention involves 12 treatments sessions aiming to develop pupils' "grit" (3 sessions per year, from grade 6 to grade 9). In total, around 25,000 students will take part in the study, half in the treatment group and half in the control group. Results expected in 2019)

  • Chevallier, C. with Huillery, E. & Algan, Y. Groupements de créateurs: Mindset Change and Employment: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment with Young Disadvantaged People. This randomized experiment tests the impact of a national program in which youths reflect on their goals and motivations to increase autonomy and critical thinking. The results suggest that mindset approaches may indeed be a promising lever to support labor market integration.

Publications for general audiences

Academic publications

  • Chevallier, C. Evolutionary approaches to deprivation transform the ethics of policy making. BBS comment on target article: "The Behavioural Constellation of Deprivation: Causes and Consequences" by Gillian V. Pepper and Daniel Nettle.
