Classes I taught in the past:

2018-2022 - At Sciences Po & ENS Psychology and Public Policies It isn't enough to have the right policy idea: public policies can be well-intended yet fail because they are not received as planned by the public. Governments around the world are thus applying behavioural sciences to improve policy-making by relying on a more realistic model of human behaviour (e.g., Obama's Social and Behavioral Sciences Team, the Behavioural Insight's Team in Downing Street, the EU Policy Lab, etc.). The goal of the class is to introduce basic theories and experimental findings in psychology to foster more innovative policy-making and to improve citizens' well-being. Each class will provide opportunities to identify obstacles created by people's natural biases and to select the right levers to counter these biases. This psychological toolbox will then be put to use to solve concrete public action issues and to potentiate the efficacy of traditional policy levers (regulations, incentives, and information).

2018-2021 - Master in Cognitive Sciences at ENS-PSL Social cognition - Brain and psychology The goal of this course is to study the main cognitive systems that are involved in social cognition: social information perception, theory of mind, social categorization, social learning, reputation management, morality and cooperation, etc. During the course, students will be exposed to the main questions in contemporary social cognition research and to a range of relevant methods in the field (neuroscience, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, comparative psychology, etc.).

2016-2018: Principles of evolutionary biology for the cognitive sciences (with Baumard & André), Master in Cognitive Science ENS-PSL.

February & April 2014: Invited Professor on Human Motivation at the OPEN MIND master program in cognitive science, University of Bucharest, Romania. The full syllabus be downloaded here.

March –April 2013: Invited Professor on Social Cognition at the OPEN MIND master program in cognitive science, University of Bucharest, Romania. The full syllabus be downloaded here.

September 2009 – January 2010: Introduction to cognitive psychology, BA and MA students, American University of Paris; France. The full syllabus can be downloaded here.