Connie White, PhD

3410 Stone Drive

Cedar Bluff, AL 35959



· Summer of 2010

Cyber Terrorism Summer School, Vanderbilt University. Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology, WISE as faculty.

· 1999-2010

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Information Systems, Graduate

Division of Computing Sciences, PhD in Information Systems, advisor: Dr. Murray Turoff.

· Summer of 2009

Cyber Terrorism Summer School, UC Berkeley. Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology, WISE as student.

· 1999

ECCAI Machine Learning Summer School, Crete, Greece. Advanced Courses on Artificial Intelligence for 1999 (ACAI-99) by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society.

· 1997 – 2002

Forensic Science Training: Specialized Training – Threat Assessment and Violence Potential, Crime Scene Analysis, Criminal Profiling, Psychopathy Assessment.

· 1997

Two semesters completed at Tulane University, School of Engineering, Computer Science, Graduate Division.

· 1996

Master of Science in Teaching Mathematics, Loyola University.

· 1993

Bachelor's Degree. Concentration: Computer Science, Southeastern Louisiana University.

· 1990

Four semesters completed at the University of Southern Mississippi, School of Business. Major: Management Information Systems, Minor: Economics.

Associate of Arts degree, Meridian Community College. Major: Business Administration.

· 1987

Real Estate Institute. Dallas Commercial College, Inc. I filled the requirements necessary for Real Estate certification.

Research Interests

My current work explores how collaborative applications, social media, Free and Open Source Systems and Web 2.0 technologies can be leveraged together to support the decision making needs of crisis managers. Challenges arise in capturing the important information and directing the right information to the right people at the right time. Another research focus is in using spatial-temporal geographical information systems and social media to help provide information on the outer rural areas that have the least amount of connectivity through crisis mapping. Other research efforts explore using virtual worlds such as Second Life, as a teaching tool for practitioners. My dissertation, A Dynamic Delphi System to Support Decision Making by Large Groups of Crisis Management Experts, focuses on the creation of a crisis management system that is used by large groups dispersed geographically where decisions must be made under uncertainty and among domain driven subgroups. The end result of this effort produced an application contributed to the Sahana Disaster Management System, Eden, a free and open source system created in response to the Asian Tsunami, which has been used all over the world, most recently in the Haiti Earthquake response and the floods of Pakistan. My research interests include Social Media, Decision Making, Scales, Sahana, Thurstone’s Law of Comparative Judgment, Artificial Intelligence and Emergency Management. Homepage:

Teaching Experiences

· Undergraduate Lower Division: Intro to Terrorism, Disaster Hazards, Management of Information Systems, Business computing, Introduction to Computer Science, Programming Language Concepts, Linear Algebra, Algebra, Developmental Math

· Undergraduate Upper Division: Information Systems and Decision Systems, Advanced Information Systems, Principles of Information Systems Management, Research Methods in Emergency Management, Homeland Security: Planning and Preparedness, Information Technology for Emergency Management, WWW Development, Data Structures, Database Management Systems, Computer Programming Techniques, Discrete Mathematics for CS Majors, Formal Logic

· Graduate Courses: Current and Emerging Technologies in Emergency Management, Research Methods for Emergency Management, Disaster Analysis, Current Issues in Homeland Security, Enterprise Database Management, Telecommunications Management, Database Management Systems, Java

Jan 2009 - 2011

Jacksonville State University, Assistant Professor, Institute for Emergency Preparedness. Created the first graduate and undergraduate course on Social Media and Web technology supporting crisis communications. I supervise ~20 graduate research projects per semester.

Reviewed and modified curriculum development of B.S. and M.S. in preparation for regional accreditation. I was a contributor to the proposal on the newly developed Doctorate program providing sections describing the technological and communication resources available.

I am the Proud faculty advisor supporting the successful creation of a student chapter at JSU for the International Association of Emergency Management, IAEM October, 2010.


Sahana Disaster Management Response to Haiti 2010 Earthquake.

Duties: system administration, new module development and testing, constructed and supported volunteerism during Crisis Camps.

2007 – 2008

I taught as part of a tuition assistantship and also as adjunct while working on my PhD. New Jersey Institute of Technology, College of Computing Science, Information Systems Department and MBA program.

2002 – 2003

Adjunct: A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, Adjunct Information Systems and Decision Sciences.

Visiting Assistant Professor: Southeastern Louisiana University, Management Information Systems in a School of Business. Duties included: creating graduate MBA IS concentration, grant writing, and course creation. I produced over 100,000 over one year in grants.

Summer Research Fellow: University of Southampton, UK. IAM (Intelligence, Agents and Multimedia).

1999 – 2002

Special Lecturer: New Jersey Institute of Technology, Computer and Information Systems.


Logos Corporation, Translation Software Corporation, R&D programmer.

1996 - 1997

Adjunct: Tulane University, School of Engineering.

Adjunct: Loyola University at New Orleans, Math and Computer Science Department


Instructor: Southeastern Louisiana University. Developmental Mathematics.

12 Years Experience Teaching in Online Format – webCT, Blackboard, Webboard, Moodle

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Murray Turoff, NJIT.

Professional Activity


May: Conducting Workshops on Leveraging Social Media and Crisis Mapping for Emergency Management at the Emergency Managers Association of Georgia spring conference in Savannah, Georgia May 25-27, 2011 for over 800 emergency managers.

April: Conducting Workshop at Australia Emergency Management Institute. Connect! - a workshop on community resilience, emergency management and new media, 14-15 April 2011.

February: Workshop at Midwest Disasters 2.0 Social Media Workshop, Kansas City, Feb. 22, 2011, funded by the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology.

2010 Army Sponsored Specialist Meeting: Spatio-Temporal Constraints on Social Networks Specialist Meeting in Santa Barbara, Dec. 11 - 15, 2010.

2010 DHS S&T Technologies for Critical Incident Preparedness Technology Round Table

2009 The Ogma Workshop: Exploring the Policy and Strategy Implications on the Practice of Homeland Security, Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security, June 30-July 1, 2009.

2007 - RFI Contributor on Collaborative Knowledge Exchanges (CKE) for Emergency Management, DARPA on Strategic Management, 2007.

Conference Organization

2010 - ISCRAM Special Session, co-chair - Virtual States: the Proliferation of Geospatial Intelligence as Visualized Information Streams into the Emergency Response Sector

2009 – ComTech Workshop Chair – Communities and Technology: Online Social Networks to Support Online Collaboration

2009 – AMCIS Co-Chair – Americas Conference on Information Systems – Emergency Response Information Systems. San Francisco, 2009.

2008 -ISCRAM Mini-Track Chair – Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Trust in Emergency Preparedness and Response. Washington DC, 2008.


BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

America’s Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (CHINA)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Delphi Systems

International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)


2002 - $30,000 Summer School Program in Industrial Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University.

$85,000 PC Cart, portable lab. Department of Management

2001 - $90,000 Software from Borland, New Jersey Institute of Technology.


· Psychometrika

· Association for Information Systems, Information Systems for Crisis and Response Management (ISCRAM)

· International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)

· Partnerships Toward Safer Communities (PTSC)

· Civitan

Publication List


Connie White. Book: Social Media, Crisis Communication, and Emergency Management: Utilizing Web 2.0 Technologies. Taylor and Frances, CRC Press, due out Spring 2011.

Connie White. Build a Better Mousetrap? Social media Cultivating Emergency Management Communities of Practice. Natural Hazards Observer invited paper. May, 2011.

Connie White. Book based on Dissertation: A Dynamic Delphi System to Support Decision Making by Large Groups of Crisis Management Experts. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, due out late 2011.

Keith Noble and Connie White. First Responder Role Abandonment in Extreme Events. International Journal of Emergency Management, IJEM.

Connie White. Guest Editor of Special Issue: Spatio-Temporal Constraints on Social Networks. International Journal for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. publication date to be announced .

Massimo Di Pierro, Connie White, Richard Ree, Nik Klever, Alfonso de la Guarda and Bruno Rocha. Transforming Computer Science Education using web2py: A Science 2.0 Approach to Web Development. under construction.


Connie White and Murray Turoff. "Factors that Influence Crisis Managers and their Decision Making Ability During Extreme Events". International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Volume 2, Issue 3, p. 25-35.

Burstein, F., Brezillon, P. and Zaslavsky, A. (2010), Supporting Real Time Decision-Making: The Role of Context in Decision Support on the Move (Annals of Information Systems), Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Invited Chapters:

1. Murray Turoff, Connie White and Linda Plotnick. Book Chapter: Real Time Decision Making. Dynamic Emergency Response Management for Large Scale Decision Making in Extreme Hazardous Events.

2. Linda Plotnick, Murray Turoff and Connie White. Book Chapter: Partially Distributed Emergeny Teams (PDET): Considerations of Decision Support for Virtual Communities of Practive (VCoP).

2010 - Connie White, Murray Turoff, and Starr Roxanne Hiltz. A Real Time Online Delphi Decision System, Version 2.0: Crisis Management Support during Extreme Events, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM, Seattle, WA.

2010 - Connie White and Linda Plotnick. A Framework to Identify Best Practices: Social Media and Web 2.0 Technologies in the Emergency Domain. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (IJISCRAM). Volume II, Issue I. IGI Publishers, January Issue, 2010.

2010 - Guest Editor, Linda Plotnick and Connie White. A Social Media Tsunami: The Approaching Wave. Online Social Networks to Support Community Resilience Through Collaborative Web 2.0 Technologies. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (IJISCRAM). Volume II, Issue I. IGI Publishers, January Issue, 2010.


2009 - Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Jane Kushma, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, and Murray Turoff. An Online Social Network for Emergency Management. International Journal of Emergency Management 2009 - Vol. 6, No.3/4 pp. 369 - 382

2009 – Linda Plotnick, Connie White, and Maria Plummer. The Design of a Social Networking Site for Emergency Management: One Stop Shop. Americas Conference on Information Systems, (AMCIS) San Francisco.

2009 - Connie White and Murray Turoff, The Potential for Social Networks in Emergency Management. International Association of Emergency Managers. IAEM Bulletin, February Special Edition.

2009 - Connie White, Dynamic Delphi. Methodologies for Identifying and Ranking Sustainable Transport Practices In Urban Regions. Research Report to Transport Canada Project, Barry Wellar, Principal Investigator.


2008 - Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Jane Kushma, Star Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff. An Online Social Network for Emergency Management. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS, Paris, France, Pre-ICIS Seventh Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2008).

2008 – Murray Turoff, Star Roxanne Hiltz, Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Art Hendela and Xiang Yao. The Past as the Future in Emergency Preparedness and Management, The International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management IJISCRAM, Vol. 1, Issue 1 December 2008.

2008 – Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Ronja Aadams-Moring, Murray Turoff and Starr Roxanne Hiltz. Leveraging A Wiki to Enhance Collaboration in the Emergency Domain. 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS).

2008 – Connie White, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, and Murray Turoff. United We Respond: One Community, One Voice, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM, 2008 Washington, DC.


2007 – Connie White, Murray Turoff, and Bartel Van de Walle. A Dynamic Delphi Process Utilizing a Modified Thurstone Scaling Method: Collaborative Judgment in Emergency Response. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Information Systems on Crisis and Response Management, (ISCRAM), Delft,Netherlands.

2007 – Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Murray Turoff and Starr Roxanne Hiltz. A Dynamic Voting Wiki Model. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Keystone, Colorado.

2007 – Connie White, Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff. Finding the Voice of a Virtual Community of Practice. International Conference on Information Systems, Quebec, Pre-ICIS Sixth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2007).

2007 – Connie White and Murray Turoff. A Dynamic Delphi System. The Network Nation and Beyond

A Festschrift in Honor of Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Invited for Journal submission , Jan. 2008.

2007 – Murray Turoff, Connie White, and Linda Plotnick. Dynamic Emergency Response Management For Large Scale Extreme Events. International Conference on Information Systems, Pre-ICIS SIG DSS 2007 Workshop.

2007 – Linda Plotnick, Liz Avery Gomez, Connie White and Murray Turoff. A Dynamic Thurstonian Method Utilized for Interpretation of Alert Levels and Public Perception. Proceedings of the 4th Annual ISCRAM, Delft, Netherlands.

2002 – Connie White and Mike Jones. The Performance of JIT, EDI, Expert Systems and Agents During Unexpected Supply Interruption: An Investigation of Electronic Purchasing Performance During The October Dock Strike. The 14th Annual North American Research/Teaching Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.