

Keith Noble and Connie White. "First Responder Role Abandonment in Extreme Events". Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, coming soon 2012.

Robby Westbrook, Tammy Karlgaard, Connie White and Josalyn Knapic. A Holistic Approach to Evaluating Social Media's Successful Implementation into Emergency Management Operations: Applied Research in an Action Research Study. Information Systems Crisis Response and Management, April Vancouver 2012.


Connie White. Book: Social Media, Crisis Communication, and Emergency Management: Leveragin Web 2.0 Technologies. Taylor and Frances, CRC Press, September 2011.

Connie White. Build a Better Mousetrap? Social media Cultivating Emergency Management Communities of Practice. Natural Hazards Observer invited paper. May, 2011.

Connie White. Book: Delphi Decision Maker 2.0 Decision Support for Crisis Experts. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.

White, C. (2011), "Using social media and web 2.0 technology for business continuity", in Engemann, K.J. (ed.), Business Continuity and Risk Management: , The Marketing & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at


Connie White and Murray Turoff. "Factors that Influence Crisis Managers and their Decision Making Ability During Extreme Events". International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Volume 2, Issue 3, p. 25-35.

Burstein, F., Brezillon, P. and Zaslavsky, A. (2010), Supporting Real Time Decision-Making: The Role of Context in Decision Support on the Move (Annals of Information Systems), Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Invited Chapters:

  1. Murray Turoff, Connie White and Linda Plotnick. Book Chapter: Real Time Decision Making. Dynamic Emergency Response Management for Large Scale Decision Making in Extreme Hazardous Events.

  2. Linda Plotnick, Murray Turoff and Connie White. Book Chapter: Partially Distributed Emergeny Teams (PDET): Considerations of Decision Support for Virtual Communities of Practive (VCoP).

2010 - Connie White, Murray Turoff, and Starr Roxanne Hiltz. A Real Time Online Delphi Decision System, Version 2.0: Crisis Management Support during Extreme Events, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM, Seattle, WA.

2010 - Connie White and Linda Plotnick. A Framework to Identify Best Practices: Social Media and Web 2.0 Technologies in the Emergency Domain. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (IJISCRAM). Volume II, Issue I. IGI Publishers, January Issue, 2010.

2010 - Guest Editor, Linda Plotnick and Connie White. A Social Media Tsunami: The Approaching Wave. Online Social Networks to Support Community Resilience Through Collaborative Web 2.0 Technologies. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (IJISCRAM). Volume II, Issue I. IGI Publishers, January Issue, 2010.


2009 - Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Jane Kushma, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, and Murray Turoff. An Online Social Network for Emergency Management. International Journal of Emergency Management 2009 - Vol. 6, No.3/4 pp. 369 - 382

2009 – Linda Plotnick, Connie White, and Maria Plummer. The Design of a Social Networking Site for Emergency Management: One Stop Shop. Americas Conference on Information Systems, (AMCIS) San Francisco.

2009 - Connie White and Murray Turoff, The Potential for Social Networks in Emergency Management. International Association of Emergency Managers. IAEM Bulletin,February Special Edition.

2009 - Connie White, Dynamic Delphi. Methodologies for Identifying and Ranking Sustainable Transport Practices In Urban Regions. Research Report to Transport Canada Project, Barry Wellar, Principal Investigator.


2008 - Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Jane Kushma, Star Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff. An Online Social Network for Emergency Management. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS, Paris, France, Pre-ICIS Seventh Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2008).

2008 – Murray Turoff, Star Roxanne Hiltz, Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Art Hendela and Xiang Yao. The Past as the Future in Emergency Preparedness and Management, The International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management IJISCRAM, Vol. 1, Issue 1 December 2008.

2008 – Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Ronja Aadams-Moring, Murray Turoff and Starr Roxanne Hiltz. Leveraging A Wiki to Enhance Collaboration in the Emergency Domain. 41stHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS).

2008 – Connie White, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, and Murray Turoff. United We Respond: One Community, One Voice, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM, 2008 Washington, DC.


2007 – Connie White, Murray Turoff, and Bartel Van de Walle. A Dynamic Delphi Process Utilizing a Modified Thurstone Scaling Method: Collaborative Judgment in Emergency Response. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Information Systems on Crisis and Response Management, (ISCRAM), Delft, Netherlands.

2007 – Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Murray Turoff and Starr Roxanne Hiltz. A Dynamic Voting Wiki Model. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Keystone, Colorado.

2007 – Connie White, Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff. Finding the Voice of a Virtual Community of Practice. International Conference on Information Systems, Quebec, Pre-ICIS Sixth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2007).

2007 – Connie White and Murray Turoff. A Dynamic Delphi System. The Network Nation and Beyond

A Festschrift in Honor of Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Invited for Journal submission , Jan. 2008.

2007 – Murray Turoff, Connie White, and Linda Plotnick. Dynamic Emergency Response Management For Large Scale Extreme Events. International Conference on Information Systems, Pre-ICIS SIG DSS 2007 Workshop.

2007 – Linda Plotnick, Liz Avery Gomez, Connie White and Murray Turoff. A Dynamic Thurstonian Method Utilized for Interpretation of Alert Levels and Public Perception. Proceedings of the 4th Annual ISCRAM, Delft, Netherlands.

2002 – Connie White and Mike Jones. The Performance of JIT, EDI, Expert Systems and Agents During Unexpected Supply Interruption: An Investigation of Electronic Purchasing Performance During The October Dock Strike. The 14th Annual North American Research/Teaching Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.