Teaching Philosophy

The Role of Faculty in Enhancing Student Success

In a Learning-Centered Environment

Connie White

Information Systems Department

College of Computing Sciences

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Email Address: connie.m.white@gmail.com

Society is changing due to advances in technology and it’s important that we, as educators, make sure to evolve and better ourselves so that we’re more effective teachers, which make for a better end product, the valued student. I would like to address the role faculty have enhancing student success in a learning-centered environment, as this is a critical part of changing the way we both teach and learn ourselves, so that we can be more effective contributors to the education system.

There are many aspects to teaching, which should be implemented and measured on numerous levels. It is important that the learning objectives be outlined, then intervened upon, if need be, such that there is continuous improvement in teaching styles. It’s important that this sort of flexibility be allowed, because every class is different and society’s needs are changing at a rapid pace given the Internet, social networks and the globalization of our workforce. Numerous opportunities for learning should be offered to the students such that they can choose criteria based on their particular learning styles and interests to enable them to reach their individual potential. Also, numerous formats and strategies should be implemented, for we are all different in our perceptions and interpretations of materials. One method I employ to increase learning is to engage the students in group work. The idea is that if more than one interpretation of material is offered, then due to us all having different thinking/learning patterns, more students will be reached and a deeper understanding will occur for all. It’s important that we connect with the students, that we understand their needs as individuals and support this. It is equally important that we connect with other faculty members, staff and colleagues throughout the world, for we gain strength in collaboration.

A goal of mine is to be an influential instructor with effective teaching methods which will help the student grow as an individual. Learning to be a better teacher never ends and it’s a fun part of my personal development as an effective faculty member. I attend any workshop or participate in any discussion that may help me learn new or alternative ways to teach more effectively. For example, I have a Masters of Science in Teaching Mathematics, which was supported by a grant to promote and teach new methodologies for learning based on groups of individuals working and learning from one another. This past year, I attended a workshop on Active Learning at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) where we experienced and reviewed numerous ways of increasing the learning potential by taking a different approach to teaching using games and other sorts of activities, which could be conducted during class. This was based more on participation between everyone in the class which makes class more fun, learning more effective and actually encourages the student to come to class because they want to be there, not because they have to be there.

Teaching should be a fun and dynamic experience for both the instructor as well as the student, a true reflection of the times in which we live. I try to implement a more dynamic, interactive teaching style/strategy where the students learn by doing and where the students learn to ‘research’ some of their own materials using various resources at hand, like the digital library and of course, the Internet. I like to promote the student to be thinkers, to express their own ideas and opinions and above all, to come up with their own unique ideas based on a knowledgeable foundation. Knowledge is not confined to any classroom, or any one subject matter. It’s important to infuse subjects together such that a dynamic perspective is built integrating concepts into an overall philosophical ideology that demonstrates how everything fits together. This makes the student more competitive in our workforce enhancing their chances for success.

I think that knowledge is everywhere and like for the students to find their own information from which to work and to think critically. I believe that collaboration, using present and emerging Internet technology, is something that should be a part of every class and that team work should be a part of the learning agenda. Students need to learn to collaborate using structured e-mail (gmail), forums, wikis, chatting, blogs, iPods and other interactive devices (emerging technologies) that are now an integral part of our economic and social lives.

Open Source Software is one of today’s most influential trends in software development. I teach the students using all free and open software such as Moodle for learning, TikiWiki for group interaction/authoring, MediaWiki for organizational development social spaces. When teaching database, we use MySQL and PHP, for example. To use a system is to learn a system and in today’s global economy, where most of the transactions can be conducted over the Internet, these are skills that should be acquired and developed as an integral part of every class so that the student will be familiar with and knowledgeable on using systems. Another advantage is to have the students work collaboratively in a distributed manner, teaching and motivating them to interact and participate using a series of various technologies. This creates a learning environment that gives the students experience making them more comfortable with the idea of working with others anywhere in the world, as if they were in the next office space one door down in a brick and mortar environment.

Class should be fun and exciting, albeit sometimes complex and time consuming. This is the type of environment I try to create when teaching, learning by doing given a theoretical framework. This gives the learning process structure, with a sound foundation, but leaves room for creativity and allows for a unique interpretation when the subject matter allows it. I want the students to learn a strong work ethic, which is balanced with interest and desire and to take responsibility for their efforts. I want to give them the encouragement they need to build their self-confidence. I teach the importance of their work being credible, with ethical standards promoting integrity and dignity in their work. The student can be proud of their hard work, dedication and contribution, which will carry over to their job and life’s work.

Connie White