Mythological paintings (1615-29)

Satyr and Girl

c. 1615

Oil on canvas, 113 x 71 cm

Residenzgalerie, Salzburg

Satyr and Girl (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Residenzgalerie, Salzburg

Satyr and Girl (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Residenzgalerie, Salzburg

Diana Returning from Hunt

c. 1615

Oil on canvas, 136 x 184 cm

Gemäldegalerie, Dresden

Diana Returning from Hunt (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Gemäldegalerie, Dresden

Diana Presentig the Catch to Pan

c. 1615

Oil on canvas, 211,5 x 145 cm

National Museum, Belgrade

Venus at a Mirror

c. 1615

Oil on panel, 124 x 98 cm

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

Venus at a Mirror (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on panel

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

Nature Adorning the Three Graces

c. 1615

Oil on wood, 107 x 72 cm

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow

The Discovery of the Child Erichthonius

c. 1615

Oil on canvas, 218 x 317 cm

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

The Discovery of the Child Erichthonius (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

The Discovery of the Child Erichthonius (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

The Discovery of the Child Erichthonius (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

The Discovery of the Child Erichthonius (detail)

c. 1615

Oil on canvas

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

Boreas Abducting Oreithyia

c. 1615

Oil on wood, 146 x 140 cm

Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna

Romulus and Remus


Oil on canvas, 210 x 212 cm

Pinacoteca Capitolina, Rome

The Drunken Silenus


Oil on wood, 212 x 214,5 cm

Alte Pinakothek, Munich

The Drunken Silenus

c. 1620

Oil on canvas, 133 x 197 cm

National Gallery, London

Decius Mus Relating his Dream


Oil on canvas, 294 x 278 cm

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus

c. 1617

Oil on canvas, 224 x 211 cm

Alte Pinakothek, Munich

The Head of Medusa

c. 1617

Oil on wood, 69 x 118 cm

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Pan and Syrinx


Oil on oak panel, 40 x 61 cm

Staatliche Museen, Kassel

Battle of the Amazons


Oil on panel, 121 x 166 cm

Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Two Satyrs


Oil on wood, 76 x 66 cm

Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Perseus and Andromeda


Oil on canvas transferred from panel, 99,5 x 139 cm

The Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Perseus and Andromeda (detail)


Oil on canvas transferred from panel

The Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Perseus Freeing Andromeda

c. 1622

Oil on oak panel, 100 x 139 cm

Staatliche Museen, Berlin

The Three Graces


Oil on wood, 119 x 99 cm

Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna

The Judgment of Paris

c. 1625

Oil on canvas, 139 x 174 cm

National Gallery, London