Latest Update: 31.08.2023

Hello Chess Friends,

As usually, I am very pleased to announce that,The long awaited Duel Match is finely organized:DON (Vasid Chouhan) vs HCAN (Hamdullah Can)
1st of all, and as usual:Both Top books are played by same Raubfish X48c3 SCThat means also: Raubfish is played as NNUE enabledDON's Book Learning was disabled (for more fair cond.)Reason, DON is CTG format, where HCAN is BIN formatDON's released date:10.07.2023 / HCAN: 26.05.2023
In other words,DON is same book vers, which is played in recent DuelHCAN is same public one HCanFree Upd: BEN  / XIVAs reason why old, Hamdullah Can is informed Me thatHe is going to Military service, so no free time for chess..So I did not request a newer DON from Vasid Chouhan
More Details,These authors have no fear, fighting as GLADIATORS!HCAN's author belongs to the best youngest talents!Where this time no comments for DON's author, exc.Vasid Chouhan belongs from the past to the present!And both authors proved many times to be so good!Sure not via papers, fake polls etc..but via real facts!
What I can say more,A serious Duel match between two great Champs!And after checking... just 1 (one) point difference !So in my eyes... this time there is no any Winner..And both Top opening books are as Number One!
But this is also true that,Here are two TITANS, played on 'real' Arena !!
And to be honest,I was so excited with running current LIVE matches too,Regarding which one will manage to take better points..Now perfectly clear that both books are superior strong!And each time, both players were tending toward to win...Besides, theirs openings repertoire is not so restricted!And produced 91% draws, sure these stats are not soHigh..if we count these matches played under serious Cond. such as fast CPU, NNUE, MP, Blitz, Ponder ON..
And here are the Final results:
The Winner is again DON - Congrats to Vasid Chouhan!Congratulations to HCAN's author (Hamdullah Can) too!
1 DON 100723   +9/-8/=183 50.25%  100.5/2002 HCanFree Upd +8/-9/=183 49.75%   99.5/200
Overall's Draw Ratio (based on 200 games) not high: 91%
Note also that, I don't plan to run more similar duels, at least for nowadays!Reason, too complicated (for my side) because FritzGUI hasNo any option-running concurrent matches, plus I have otherPromises...where I have to run, resume other paused tours!Thanks for your understanding!
And many thanks for your interest and have a great day !)
