Breaking News - 12.09.2023: The current championship is ended too... congrats and thanks to all authors! Normally the tour was planning to be resumed, but I've lost my interest for two Main reasons, 1st due to very high draw perc. and as we see 97% draw-ratio! Really boring for my side, btw, as usual I say over (I mean since no much wins):  What is the point of using an umbrella, If no much 'rain' on horizon ?) Right? and correct Me please if I am wrong here..?)  and as 2nd main reason,  Just in case of new Exp entries: I expect the learning will make not much sense, E.g (according to my other Gauntlet tests) via concurrent: 64, no BIG influence! But I admit that e.g as current in Round-Robin tour (via concurrent: 64 games)  Then situation seems to be ok...due to in round-robin tours: too many players! If Exp in Gauntlet, concurrent about 10' is ok, but via higher..not so good idea! Sure some may say like: run Exp via concurrent 10.. İf so .. will be really sad,  Because current tournament machine is based on 128 Cores / 256 Threads! Like a huge BUS / PLANE (with many seats) but carries...a few passengers !)     And sorry that the current tour is not resumed ..but I think that will be pointless,     If we will run next Exp in Gauntlet conditions..btw here is another useful saying:     If everything were as it seems, the sea water you hold would be blue  Meanwhile, here are the played games of this championship (in PGN) BEN
      B/E/N I's Champion::HCanFree Upd - My Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!
 Rank Name                  Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 HCanFree Upd          3789    2    3   600   52%  3781   96%    2 V by Kerveros         3788    2    3   600   51%  3781   97%    3 CachoSCCT             3787    3    3   600   51%  3781   96%    4 ChessBot 170623       3787    3    3   600   51%  3781   95%    5 OPTIMUS 3.1           3787    3    3   600   51%  3781   97%    6 Hamish 4.1            3787    3    3   600   51%  3781   96%    7 SkynetSCCT 10.1       3785    3    3   600   51%  3782   96%    8 Leschats 140623       3783    3    3   600   50%  3782   98%    9 NoPreExp, BrainLearn  3782    3    3   600   50%  3782   99%   10 AlexChess, RaptoRa    3782    3    3   600   50%  3782   98%   11 Ding-Bat, RaptoRa     3782    3    3   600   50%  3782   97%   12 Anton, RaptoRa        3781    3    3   600   50%  3782   98%   13 Rulleeeee, Eman       3780    3    3   600   50%  3782   99%   14 NoPreExp, L.Beast     3780    3    3   600   50%  3782   97%   15 Cubail, Eman          3779    3    3   600   50%  3782   97%   16 NoBook, SF-PB.        3778    3    3   600   49%  3782   97%   17 NoPreExp, Eman        3778    3    3   600   49%  3782   97%   18 NoPreExp, RapTora     3778    3    3   600   49%  3782   98%   19 Hurnavich, L.Beast    3775    3    2   600   48%  3782   96%   20 Africaata, Eman       3774    3    2   600   48%  3782   96%   21 Khalid, Eman          3773    2    2   600   48%  3782   95% 
     • Calculated by Bayeselo / SkynetSCCT fixed to 3785 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (when the tour was planning to be active):• All Book entries are played by SF-PB 060623, where Experience  Files are played by various (capable to learn) engines, for Details• In this tour, all Books / Exp files are allowed (Private plus Public)• The tour paused, but planning to be resumed in September 2023  Sure later.. current Championship will be as active for many weeks  And in case of interest...Book / Exp registrations will be acceptableAs usual, each Book is played by Authors recommended settings• And each participant will be played min. 1000 games (per player)• Any Leader (after 1000 games per player) will be titled as Champ• Overall draw percentage (based on 6300 games) is very high 97%  And these stats generated with 1m+1s,1 Core...Btw, just imagine  What will be situation? e.g in case of giving more Time and Cores  In other words, via more optimal cond. to see a win will be dream!• As usual, all games will be available after the end of competition  Exception, Authors can get their played games (in the next days)• For anyone missed, more details regarding current tourney News