Latest Update: 16.07.2023

Hello Chess Friends,

I am very pleased to announce that,I've managed to organize a new Duel Book Match:Breaker (Ian Hurnavich) Vs DON (Vasid Chouhan) By the way, for older Duel results DON vs NimaTiv
1st of all,Both Top books are played by same Raubfish X48c3 SCSure and as usual, Raubfish is played as NNUE enabledIn this Duel: Book Learning is disabled (for more fair cond.)Reason, DON is CTG format, where Breaker is BIN formatDON's released date:10.07.2023 / Breaker: 12.07.2023
Some Notes,The current Duel ended after 200 games (per player)Btw, as I stated before, if the score was not equal, thenThere would be tie-break matches e.g 20+ games etc.But as we see, The Duel is ended with score in favorFor no needed running tie-break matches...
And frankly,I was so excited current LIVE matches about which Opening book will manage to be as Winner..and asFar as I noticed, both books are incredible strong!Very theirs opening repertoire is Not so limited..e.g played various Trend openings!And produced 92% draws..yes. these numbers areNot so high...if we count that the matches are playedUnder serious test conditions (MP + Ponder ON etc.)Ok.. too many comments ) and here are Final Results:
The Winner is again DON - Congrats to Vasid Chouhan!Congratulations to Breaker's author (Ian Hurnavich) too!
1   DON      +9/-6/=185 50.75%  101.5/2002   Breaker  +6/-9/=185 49.25%   98.5/200
Overall's Draw Ratio (based on 200 games) not high: 92%
Note also that, I paused my chess activities, sure I plan to be active.. butOn September 2023, but before I need to take a good rest!
Meanwhile,Some more Duel interests e.g DON vs HCAN, for Details 
Ok..that's all for now and many thanks for your interest!
