Last Update: 15.09.2023

Hello Chess Friends,

As usually, I am very pleased to announce that,

A new Duel: Books vs Experience is organized!

Btw, for previous Duel played results  I  /  II  / III

1st of all (for more fair Duel conditions),

Only Private books are played and by SF-Poly 220723

Spectral Exp is private too / played by SpecTral 5.10 sl

Note: Same / previous vers...  one of strongest: XXXVI

The Duel's Winner (Book vs Exp) is Opening Book with score: 358/700

And My Congratulations to All Book Authors, including Exp Author too!

SpecTral exp's Final results/score: 342 points out of 700 games:

SpecTral.exp - DON          49.0 - 51.0  +0/-2/=98  49.00%

SpecTral.exp - Breaker 1.0  48.0 - 52.0  +0/-4/=96  48.00%

SpecTral.exp - CachoSCCT    48.0 - 52.0  +0/-4/=96  48.00%

SpecTral.exp - Everest      48.5 - 51.5  +0/-3/=97  48.50%

SpecTral.exp - HCAN         49.5 - 50.5  +0/-1/=99  49.50%

SpecTral.exp - SENTINEL     50.5 - 49.5  +1/-0/=99  50.50%

SpecTral.exp - Ubuntu       48.5 - 51.5  +0/-3/=97  48.50%

Participant          Book/Exp Author             Released

Spectral Exp   Anton Ces           15.09.2023

Breaker 1.0    Ian Hurnavich       13.07.2023

CachoSCCT      Angel Morano        19.04.2023

DON            Vasid Couhan        10.07.2023

Everest        Ivan Alekseev       09.02.2023

HCAN           Hamdullah Can       21.03.2023

SENTINEL       R.Constantinesco    14.09.2023

Ubuntu         Jorge Centelles     13.09.2023

Some Notes (Stats, Details):

White Wins: 17 / Black Wins: 1 / rest 682 games Draws (98%)

SpecTral Exp is managed to win as only once (vs SENTINEL)

Where all other rest wins are belonging to Opening Books!

With Black: 1 win recorded (which ended in favor for DON)

So it's clear that this time mostly Books are performed better!

Where unfortunately SpecTral exp could not be a Winner, but

I think that quite normal, no one can be always successful! !

Besides, failure is not fatal..after failure, success may come!

Sure as most important next step, you should never give up!

What I can say more over the current new Duel matches, 

Special Thanks to Mr. Anton Ces and to all Book Authors too, 

Otherwise this exciting Duel (Book vs Exp) would not exist!

Meanwhile, without to not mention this I can not as well,

(Since some attacks/critics over SCCT, so let Me say please)

Why 1 Core used? otherwise will be a dream to see a win!

On other hand, current games are played at Bullet conditions,

But my used tournament PC is not so slow as it looks for some!

Even I can say, one of the fastest, extreme desktops for chess!

What does it mean? e.g if we are going to compare with my

Previous 2x E5-2686.. current games can be counted as Blitz!

For anyone missed, learn that even 1m+1s is not bad: Results




Btw, previous postings about current Duel (14.09.2023):

And to be more clear (for anyone missed, interested...),

Spectral exp is created by RapTora's author (Anton Ces)

Which is managed to win previous Duel III: Book vs Exp

As private opening books are planning to be participated:

Breaker, CachoSCCT, DON, HCAN, Sentinel, Ubuntu

Sure there is a possibility more book/s to be entered...

Note also that,

Duel IV: Book vs  Exp is expecting to be started 

Very soon, probably on 15 / 16 September 2023

So registrations are already closed,. thanks for understanding! 

For anyone, who is late, don't can submit for: CS XV

If you have any questions please feel free to ask: Contact

More info very soon...

Good luck to all players )

