Last Update: 08.07.2022
Dear Chess Friends,

SCCT - Duel Book Vs Experience is ended..
The Winner of this Duel Match is Opening Book!Well-done and My Congratulations to All Authors!
Some NotesFor better individual stats, instead of 50 gamesI've decided to be played 100 games (per book),Note also that, there are 86 games as DoublesBut I think that not so high for 1200 games...
Bear in mind also that,StockfishMZ lost 22 games in less than 12 movesE.g mostly of these losses are ended in 9 movesAnd as far as I noticed, exactly in same positionIt seems, StockfishMZ engine suffers via this expAbout the exp. file, approx. 1.5 MB is increased e.gNow experience's total size is approx. 326 MBThat means, StockfishMZ.exp was active during...Meanwhile, the same exp available StockfishMZ
After checking more carefully, it is clear thatEman's data is not much suitable for StockfishMZ...And I'm sorry that 22 buggy games are appearedNot sure...those 22 games are as engine or exp bugProbably programmers may explain better...actually,I can clear all the things easy..without exp I can test...But unfortunately I have no much free time for all, sureOthers are free to run, e.g Hurnavich, Unofficial etc.Because both testers showed interest over this Duel..On other hand, I mean via those ultra fast buggy winsSome of book opponents are gained very easy points.That means not so much fair for the rest book playersE.g who played A28 gained many points...who not isRanked lower...really not so good and sad..However, I hope these bugs will be fixed in next releases!

And here are the Duel's Final Standings:Btw, an outstanding performance by Goi book!Same words for Time-Lord, Space, Feta etc. !
----------------------------------------Rank Player Score ---------------------------------------- StockfishMZ 220622 EXP 556.5 / 1200 1: Goi-light 100622 SP 59.5 / 100 2: Time-Lord SW 55.5 / 100 2: SpaceX PO 55.5 / 100 3: Feta 0669 SW 55.0 / 100 4: DON 200622 KA 53.5 / 100 4: Everest 190622 SF-PB 53.5 / 100 5: SCOLOPENDRA PO 53.0 / 100 6: 1337chess Pro 070422 SF 52.5 / 100 7: Adrenaline SF-PB 52.0 / 100 8: Dark Galactus SP 51.5 / 100 9: Cimarron UPD KA 51.0 / 100 9: Fauzi Turbo SF 51.0 / 100 ----------------------------------------1200 games +92 =1101 -7 (Draw-Ratio 92%)----------------------------------------
Overall Performance (12 Books merged in One name)The Elo difference: +19 Elo (in favor for Opening Books)Note: The below ranking is without those 22 buggy gamesOtherwise, lust with them...the Elo difference is +25 Elo 1 Opening Book +71/-6/=1101 52.76% 621.5/11782 StockfishMZ +6/-71/=1101 47.24% 556.5/1178

Download all GAMES (in PGN): Book Vs Experience

Btw, my previous postings regarding current Duel event:--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last Update: 01.07.2022
Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I'm pleased to announce that,Another new Duel match is coming soon:Experience file Vs Opening Books !
To be more clear,As experience file will be used StockfishMZ.exp,Which is based on Eman's learned data, released on 22.05.2022, close to 325 MB in size (uncompressed)StockfishMZ.exp will be played by StockfishMZ 220622But note that without using any opening book...
Btw, the same StockfishMZ.exp is already played: ResultsAnd as we see, the current exp file performed not so bad..
In other words, the planning Duel will be played as:StockfishMZ 220622 + StockfishMZ.exp + No Book vsTop books, played in recent Private, Public: Results

Note also that,The books will be played by latest Top NNUE engines:E.g such as Kayra, SF Polyglot, SF-PB, Stockfish etc.As you may see too, as opponentsI picked those engines, which are NOT capable to learn..
And all of above mentioned engines (plus StockfishMZ):Will be used to play via their own default Evalfiles...
And here are the planning Top Books:+ EnginesNote As book players, I picked 3780+ Elo onesAs NNUE engines, I preferred close to 3750 EloAnd sorry that I can't test all other rest books or enginesDue to no much free time...thanks for understanding
1337chess Pro 070422 via Stockfish 200622Adrenaline BIN via SF-PB 070622Cimarron UPD via Kayra 1.4Dark Galactus SF Polyglot 15DON 200622 via Kayra 1.4Everest 190622 BIN via SF-PB 070622Fauzi Turbo via Stockfish 200622Feta 0669 via Swordfish 15.2Goi-light 100622 via SF Polyglot 15SCOLOPENDRA BIN via Polyfish 200622SpaceX via Polyfish 200622Time-Lord-180622 via Swordfish 15.2
In short, another new Duel idea that Never seen before for sure and I hopeYou like my new planning tour... ?)
And I wonder much under these conditions:Who will be winner: Book or Experience?
For any questions, suggestions...Please do not hesitate to Contact
And please stay tuned, more info very soon

Have fun,Sedat