Francesco Muniz Miranda

Department of Chemical and Geological SciencesUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Postdoctoral fellow

Via G. Campi 103, zip code 41125, Modena, MO, Italy

Voice: +39 059 205 8550

Main e-mail address: 

Other e-mail addresses: ; francesco.munizmiranda

I'm 31 years old and I've been working as a postdoctoral fellow (italian "Assegnista di Ricerca") at the Modena University (UniMoRE) since April 2013, under the supervision of Dr. Alfonso Pedone (tenured researcher), on a research project about gold nanoparticles simulations coordinated by Dr. Mirco Zerbetto (researcher) of the University of Padua. 

My past & present research fields include simulation of hydrogen-bonded systems, Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics, ab initio & DFT computations, wavelet analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, noble metal nanoparticles & nanoclusters.

I have working knowledge of the CPMD, CP2K, Quantum-Espresso (minimal), Gaussian03/09, and Gamess suites of programs.

I have experience of Fortran77/90 programming and some knowledge of C and Bash.

Academic Bio.

Curriculum Vitae Studiorumque (pdf format)

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