Our first project will be to contact eachother by Facebook within our group http://sv-se.facebook.com/groups/comeniuskristinehamnjenbachlehavre. Please, update your FB-profile with your interests and also a picture of you. The purpose is to learn to know eachother and get some knowledge about life in Sweden, Austria and France.
The person at the Comenius chat wheel recommendation ill of any fellow, has a bad language or discuss things that are not compatible with the school's values could be barred from the project.
We will do this in some structured way:
Every students in class EC3 in Kristinehamn contact at least one student in Jenbach.
Every student in class EC2 in Kristinehamn contact at least one student in Le Havre.
Every student in class TE2 in Kristinehamn contact at least one student in Le Havre.
Every student in Jenbach contact at least one student in class EC3 in Kristinehamn.
Every student in Jenbach contact at least one student in Le Havre.
Every student in Le Havre contact at least one student in Jenbach.
Every student in Le Havre contact at least one student in class EC2 in Kristinehamn.
Every student in Le Havre contact at least one student in classTE2 in Kristinehamn.
Every teacher contact every teacher in project.
Every headmaster contact every headmaster in project.
OBS: Every student must tell their teacher the name of one students they have contact with.
Speak about your interests, education, how you live, Saturday evening entertainment, what you know about each others countries, travel habbits and what ever you want. Do this contacts before 15 October. Then next project will start.