

"A Model of Expenditure Shocks" (with D. Murphy, K. Walsh,  and E. Young) [Slides] (Reject and Resubmit at the Journal of Monetary Economics)

"Service Trade, Regional Specialization, and Welfare" (with Yuancheng Han and Satoshi Tanaka) (Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of International Economics)

"Commodity Prices and Production Networks in Small Open Economies" (with P. Caraiani, J. Olaya, and Alvaro Silva) (Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control)

"Trade Credit and Sectoral Comovement during US Recessions" (with Gang Zhang) (Revise and Resubmit at the Europen Economic Review)

"Monetary Policy Transmission through Commodity Prices" (A. Pescatori, E. Prifti, and G. Verduzco-Bustos) [Slides] [IMF Working Paper] 

"Early Pension Withdrawal as Stimulus" (with S. Hamilton, G. Liu, and T. Sainsbury)


"Firm-to-firm Price Rigidity within a Network" (with Alvaro Castillo, Luis F. Cespedes and Javier Turen

"Network Spillovers versus Common Factors: A Joint-Estimation Approach" (A. Furkan, J. Morley, V. Panchenko, and C. Rose) [Slides] 

"Understanding macroeconomic fluctuations with unobserved networks", 2022-2024, ARC Discovery Project, $199,649, Chief investigator (with James Morley, Valentyn Panchenko, and Chris Rose) 

"Revisiting Terms of Trade Shocks in Small Open Economies" (with Alvaro Silva)


"Production Network Diversification and Economic Development" (with José Gloria and David Fleming-Muñoz). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 218, 281-295. [Working paper version]  [Replication Files] 

"Business Cycle Asymmetry and Input-Output Structure: The Role of Firm-to-Firm Networks" (with A. Silva and E. Young) Journal of Monetary Economics. Volume 137, July 2023, Pages 1-20. [Working paper version] 

"Saving Constraints, Inequality, and the Credit Market Response to Fiscal Stimulus" (with D. Murphy, K. Walsh,  and E. Young). European Economic Review. Vol. 151, January 2023, pages 104355. [Working paper version] [Replication files] 

"Flexibility and Frictions in Multisector Models" (with  E. Young). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Vol. 14, No. 3, July 2022.  [Working paper version]  [Replication files] 

"Production Network Structure, Service Share, and Aggregate Volatility." Review of Economic Dynamics. Volume 39, January 2021, Pages 146-173  [Working paper version]  [Replication files] 

"A Granular View of the Australian Business Cycle" (with Yuanting Shen). Economic Record, vol. 95, No. 311, December, 2019, 407–424.   [Working paper version] 

"Comparing Dynamic Multisector Models" (with Eric Young) Economics Letters 181(2019), 28-32. [Working paper version]   [Online Appendix] [Replication files] 

 "A Note on Optimal Sectoral Policies in Production Networks" Economics Letters  172(2018), 152-156. [Working paper version] [Online Appendix] 


"Deviation of the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis and Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Chile: 1986-2011" Journal Economia Chilena, 16(3) 4-31 (2013). [Before PhD in Spanish]

"Personalized Pension Projection in Chile: Evaluation of its Effect in the Retirement Decision" Estudios de Economía,  40(2) 211-246 (2013). [Before PhD in Spanish]

PhD Dissertation

Production Networks and Aggregate Fluctuations: Evidence, Theory, and Policy  (Link)

University of Virginia, April 2017