Build Log (Part 6)

Entering the home stretch now.  I had a Sunday with six hours free and I knew that today was going to be the day I get this done.

Here is how to make a glass top for an arcade cabinet.

Step 1: Get Glass.

Uncut 2x3 glass sheet

This is a 2'x3' sheet of 1/8" thick glass, straight from the hardware store.  I'm actually somewhat afraid of this piece, because it's about the thickness of picture frame glass, while normal cocktail cabinets have 1/4" thick tops.  I don't know how well it would stand up to any kind of abuse.  Eventually I rationalized this away, because it's a machine for Home Use Only and I'll be careful.

Step 2: Cut Glass.

Glass cut to shape

What a nerve-wracking experience this was.  I have never used a glass cutter before, so I wielded it with great fear and hesitation.  After the first snap I was a little less worried but still uncertain.  In the end, I made some big cuts to size it right, then cut the corners at 45 degree angles (and screwed up one of them, bummer) - and then just used the little key-shaped nibbler tool to shape things right.  Once that was done, I used some sandpaper to smooth all the ragged edges down.  It has a chip missing in one corner, and there are some rough looking parts, but it is smooth enough to run fingers around the edge and not injure yourself.

Glass on Cab

From this point, pictures get a bit scarce.  All the big stuff was done and I needed a couple of hours more work to just wrap up the remaining odds and ends.  This included:

And... that's it!  After that there's not much else to do but play the machine.

Daughter playing arcade machine