Build Log (Part 2)

I got a later start today on this than I wanted to, and so it was getting pretty cold in the garage by the time I got a chance to work on it. So, I set out with only one goal: I wanted the TV mounted in the cabinet. Yesterday I got as far as putting in blocks to support the corners of the TV. First thing I did today was set the TV inside the cabinet, mark out with a pencil where the blocks hit the glass tube, and then used terrible Skil-Saw cuts to make gaps so the TV could fit.

Now to do something about supporting the weight. I really had no idea whether my setup could support the CRT as-is, so I went about adding nails, screws, wood glue, and some of those metal inside corner reinforcers to the blocks in the hope that when all was said and done it would hold permanently. If the TV falls down, it will take out not only the CRT but also the PC underneath... With that all set it was time to drop it in!

Afterwards I screwed the TV control board to the side wall. I am still not totally confident in it, but I will get there by cutting the door into two sections and permanently screwing the top to the rear horizontal beam, hopefully supporting the back more securely. There is not much space left under here, and I still need to squeeze in a PC, pair of speakers, surge protector, and fans to keep it cool. Risking future electric shocks and a fire, I went ahead and plugged it in - I just HAD to see if the TV still worked after all my manhandling.

More tomorrow... if all goes well this thing should be playable, though I am a little nervous as I dropped a hammer on my keyboard encoder and may have to re-do all the wiring.